Staff, Emeritus Faculty/Staff, and Others

wdt_ID Name Homepage Department Research Interests
1 Albantakis, Larissa Other Psychiatry Simulated evolution of artificial organisms equipped with neural networks
2 Aliota, Matthew Pathobiological_Sciences Evolution and transmission dynamics of arthropod-borne pathogens
3 Batzli, Janet Biology Core Curriculum science education; ecology, genetics, evolution education
4 Becker, Patricia Nursing
5 Bownds, Deric Integrative Biology Structure, function, and evolution of the human brain
6 Bukhman, Yury Other Morgridge Institute for Research Molecular evolution of mammalian body size and developmental clock mechanisms
7 Burgess, Ann Biology Core Curriculum Science education
8 Calderón, Claudia Irene Horticulture genetics of domestication, phylogenetic analyses, conservation biology
9 Christensen, Megan Botany Eukaryogenesis, symbioses, origin of life, experimental evolution
10 Claude, Philippa Integrative Biology
11 Coors, James Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics Plant breeding and quantitative genetics
12 Glasner, Jeremy Genome Center of Wisconsin Developing and apply computational and experimental tools to study the evolution of bacterial genome
14 Hulfachor, Amanda Genetics Yeast Carbon Metabolism and Evolution
15 Ide, Jonathan Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Bioinformatics, evolution, modeling
16 Jeanne, Robert Entomology Behavior of social insects
17 Jordon-Thaden, Ingrid Botany evolutionary systematics of plants
18 Kermicle, Jerry Genetics Plant genetics
19 Levitis, Daniel Botany Life history evolution
20 Niemi, Kevin WISCIENCE Science education
21 Oberski, Jill Integrative Biology biodiversity, systematics, arthropods, insects, arachnids, harvestmen
23 Plunkett, Guy Genetics Prokaryotic genome organization and evolution; genome annotation.
24 Sato, Trey Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center Evolution of drug tolerance and metabolism in yeast
25 Saucier, William Botany Species and speciation, homology, plant evolution, floral development, origins of life
26 Smith, Tracy Medicine
28 Susman, Millard Genetics Microbial genetics
29 Tichenor, Darwin N/A
30 Wetzel, Andrew Wisconsin Union Science outreach / communication. (Non-scientist education background.)
31 Williams, Paul Plant Pathology Genetics of Brassica species, Stock development for the Rapid Cycling Brassica Collection, RCBC
32 Woody, Scott Biochemistry Plant genetics, genomics and evolution; K-16 science education
33 Parmenter, Michelle SciMed Graduate Research Scholars
34 Hartman, Scott Geoscience Paleobiology, major extinctions, mode & tempo in evolution
Name Homepage Department Research Interests