
wdt_ID Name Homepage Department Research Interests
1 Amasino, Richard Biochemistry Plant development
2 Ane, Cecile Statistics Statistical methods for phylogenetics and molecular evolution; Comparative methods
3 Ane, Jean-Michel Agronomy Symbiotic associations between plants and microbes
4 Attie, Alan Biochemistry Molecular genetics of type 2 diabetes
5 Atwood, Craig Medicine The Reproductive-Cell Cycle Theory of Aging; Endocrinology of aging
6 Baum, David Botany Evolutionary and systematic theory; Plant evolution and developmental genetics; Origin of life
7 Bent, Andrew Plant Pathology Plant disease resistance mechanisms
9 Boekhoff-Falk, Grace Cell and Regenerative Biology Development and evolution of nervous systems
10 Broman, Karl Biostatistics Medical Informatics Statistical genetics, QTL mapping, recombination
12 Cameron, Kenneth Botany Plant Systematics; Phylogenetics
14 Coppersmith, Susan Physics Theory of complex systems
15 Cox, Michael Biochemistry Recombinational DNA repair, mutation, evolution of radiation resistance
17 de Leon, Natalia Agronomy Plant breeding; Quantitative genetics; Maize
18 Dewey, Colin Biostatistics Medical Informatics Computational and statistical methodology for biological sequence analysis
19 Doebley, John Genetics Evolutionary genetics
20 Dubielzig, Dick Pathobiological Sciences Comparative ocular morphology
21 Emshwiller, Eve Botany Ethnobotany, plant domestication, evolution of polyploidy, systematics of Oxalidaceae
22 Friedrich, Thomas Pathobiological Sciences Evolution, transmission, and emergence of RNA viruses
23 Fujimura, Joan Sociology
24 Gasch, Audrey Genetics Evolution of environmental responses
25 Gianola, Daniel Animal Science Quantitative and statistical genetics; Genome-enabled prediction; Animal breeding; Complex traits
26 Givnish, Thomas Botany Ecology, evolution, systematics, and biogeography
27 Goldberg, Tony Veterinary Medicine Evolutionary ecology of infectious disease
28 Goldman, Irwin Horticulture Breeding and genetics of cross-pollinated vegetable crops
30 Graham, Linda Botany Evolutionary origin of fundamental land plant traits
31 Gutierrez, Lucia Agronomy Quantitative Genetics and Statistical Genetics
32 Hawks, John Anthropology Paleoanthropology
33 Hittinger, Chris Todd Genetics Evolution of yeast carbon metabolism; Yeast biodiversity; Evolution of genetic regulatory networks
34 Howell, Evelyn Landscape Architecture Preservation, restoration, and management of native plant communities
35 Ives, Anthony Integrative Biology Community ecology, population biology, evolution and behavior
37 Kaeppler, Shawn Agronomy Maize; Quantitative genetics; Functional genomics
38 Karasov, William Forest Wildlife Ecology Physiological ecology of terrestrial vertebrates
39 Kelly, Clay Geoscience Micropaleontology and paleoceanography
40 Larget, Bret Statistics Bayesian phylogenetics; Statistical applications in biology
41 Lee, Carol Eunmi Integrative Biology Evolutionary Genetics, Evolutionary Physiology, Invasive Species, Climate Change, Arthropod Genomics
42 Lindroth, Richard Entomology Evolutionary ecology; Chemical ecology; Plant-herbivore interactions; Global change ecology
44 McMahon, Trina College of Engineering Microbial ecology and evolution in natural and engineered systems
45 Newton, Michael Statistics Theory, methodology, and application of statistical inference in biology
46 Nyhart, Lynn History of Science History of science (incl. evolution), biology and society, relations btwn elite and popular science
47 Orrock, John Integrative Biology Spatial dynamics of ecology and evolution; Predator-prey interactions; Conservation biology
48 Patterson, Sara Horticulture Evolution of fonio Digitaria exiles, and orphan grass of West Africa
49 Pauli, Jonathan Forest Wildlife Ecology terrestrial vertebrate ecology and conservation, diverse ecosystems and techniques
50 Payseur, Bret Genetics Evolutionary genetics, population genetics
51 Pepperell, Caitlin Medicine Ecological and evolutionary interactions between humans and human pathogens
52 Perna, Nicole Genetics Microbial genome evolution
53 Peters, Shanan Geoscience Paleobiology; Sedimentary geology; Earth systems evolution
55 Pool, John Genetics Population genomics and the genetic basis of adaptive evolution
56 Pringle, Anne Botany evolution and ecology of fungi, aging, modularity, individuality
57 Raman, Vatsan Biochemistry protein evolution
58 Roch, Sebastien Mathematics Mathematical phylogenetics
59 Roy, Sushmita Biostatistics Medical Informatics Evolution of regulatory networks; Machine learning; Systems biology
60 Schoville, Sean Entomology Ecological and evolutionary genetics; Insect conservation and biogeography
61 Schweitzer, John Nicholas Law Law and the teaching of science, especially evolution, in public schools
62 Shapiro, Larry Philosophy Philosophy of psychology and biology
63 Sharma, Prashant Integrative Biology Macroevolution; phylogenetics; evodevo; biogeography.
64 Sharp, Nathaniel Genetics Evolutionary genetics, population genetics, genomics
65 Sober, Elliott Philosophy Philosophy of science; Units of selection; Parsimony; Foundations of statistics
66 Spooner, David Horticulture Solanum and Daucus phylogenetics
68 Strier, Karen Anthropology Primate behavior, ecology, and conservation
69 Sytsma, Kenneth Botany Plant systematics and biogeography
70 Tracy, William Agronomy Maize breeding and genetics; Evolution of sweet corn
71 Venturelli, Ophelia Biochemistry Systems and synthetic biology of microbes
72 Vetsigian, Kalin Bacteriology Microbial ecology and evolution; Systems biology
74 Weng, Yiqun Horticulture
75 Yandell, Brian Statistics Statistical genomics
76 Yin, John Chemical Biological Engineering Virus-host interactions, systems biology, microfluidics, pre-biotic chemistry
77 Young, Daniel Entomology Systematics, diversity, natural history, phylogeny, and zoogeography of Coleoptera
78 Brunkard, Jake Genetics Evolution of metabolic signaling; TOR signaling
79 Weber, Jesse Integrative Biology Animal Behavior, Aquatic Biology, Bioinformatics, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics/Genomics, Physiology
80 Hite, Jessica Pathobiological Sciences Eco-evolutionary feedbacks of host-pathogen interactions
81 Solis-Lemus, Claudia Plant Pathology Statistical phylogenomics and genomics; microbiome community networks
82 Ragsdale, Aaron Integrative Biology Population genetics, applied math, human history
83 Kaçar, Betül Bacteriology, NASA Astrobiology Research Center Origins of life, astrobiology, early life and evolution, systems and synthetic biology, molecular paleobiology
84 Mo, Charlie Bacteriology Bacterial defense systems (i.e. CRISPR-Cas), antibiotic resistance, bacteriophages
85 Gluck-Thaler, Emile Plant Pathology The evolution of fungal ecology; evolutionary genomics; plant-microbe interactions
86 Muir, Christopher Botany Adaptation, plant ecophysiology, evolutionary rescue
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