ISBN # |
Shelf 1 |
[In Russian] |
[Title in Russian] |
1968 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
NA |
Abderhalden, Eml |
Text-Book of Physiological Chemistry in Thirty Lectures |
1911 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Adams, Mary |
Six Talks on Heredity |
1929 |
Cambridge, UK |
W. Heffer & Sons LTD |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Albert, A. Adrian |
Modern Higher Algebra |
The University of Chicago Science Series |
1937 |
Chicago, IL |
University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Alexander, Jerome |
Life: Its Nature and Origin |
1948 |
New York, NY |
Reinhold Publishing Corporation |
NA |
NA |
Altenburg, Edgar |
Instructions for Reports in Genetics |
Supplement to How We Inherit |
1928 |
New York, NY |
Henry Holt and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Altenburg, Edgar |
Genetics |
1945 |
New York, NY |
Henry Holt and Company |
NA |
NA |
Altman, Philip L., Dittmer Katz, Dorothy |
Inbred and Genetically Defined Strains of Laboratory Animals |
Part 2: Hamster, Guinea Pig, Rabbit, and Chicken |
1979 |
Bethesda, MD |
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology |
NA |
NA |
Altman, Philip L., Dittmer, Dorothy S. |
Growth including Reproduction and Morphological Development |
1962 |
Bethesda, MD |
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Altman, Philip L., Dittmer, Dorothy S. |
Biology Data Book |
1964 |
Washington, D. C. |
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Altman, Philip L., Dittmer, Dorothy S. |
Biology Data Book |
Biology Data Book Second Edition Volume I |
1972 |
Bethesda, MD |
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Andrews, Harry, Bosma, Nelly et al. |
Introductory Biology |
1963 |
Chicago, IL |
The Municipal Junior Colleges |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Arkin, Herbert & Colton, Raymond R. |
Tables for Statisticians |
1959 |
New York, NY |
Barnes & Noble, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Babcock, E.B. |
Genetics Laboratory Manual |
1918 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Babcock, Ernest Brown & Clausen, Roy Elwood |
Genetics in Relation to Agriculture |
1918 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Bailey, Florence Merriam |
Handbook of Birds of the Western United States |
1902 |
Boston, MA |
Houghton, Mifflin and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Baldwin, Ira L. |
Edwin Broun Fred 1887-1981: A Biographical Memoir |
1985 |
Washington, DC |
The National Academy Press |
NA |
NA |
Ball, W. W. Rouse |
Mathematical Recreations and Essays |
1931 |
London |
Macmillan and Co., Limited |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Barricelli, nils Aall |
Elements of Evolution Mechanics |
1959 |
New York, NY |
AEC Computing Center |
NA |
NA |
Bartlett, M.S. |
An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Special Reference to Methods and Applications |
1955 |
Great Britain |
Cambridge University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Bateson, W. |
Mendel’s Principles of Heredity |
1930 |
London |
Cambridge University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Baur, Edwin |
Einfuhrung in die experimentelle Vererbungslehre |
1911 |
Berlin, Germany |
Verlag von Gebruder Borntraeger |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Beadle, George W. |
Genetics and Modern Biology |
Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society Volume 57 |
1963 |
Philadelphia, PA |
American Philosopical Society |
NA |
NA |
Belling, John |
The Use of the Microscope: A Handbook for Routine and Research Work |
1930 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc |
NA |
NA |
Bergen, Joseph Y. & Davis, Bradley M. |
Principles of Botany |
1906 |
Boston, MA |
Ginn & Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Bernard, Russell H. |
Research Methods in Anthropology |
Second Edition: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches |
1994 |
London, England |
Sage Publications, Inc. |
0-8039-5245-7 |
NA |
Bernstein, Felix |
Variations- und Erblichkeitsstatistik |
1929 |
Berlin |
Verlag von Gebruder Borntraeger |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Betz, Herman; Burchan, Paul B.; Ewing,George M. |
Differential Equations with Applications |
1954 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Bigelow, Robert |
The Dawn Warriors; Man’s Evolution Toward Peace |
1969 |
Canada |
Atlantic Monthly Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Billingham, Rupert &Silvers, Willys |
The Immunobiology of Transplantation |
Foundations of Immunology Series |
1971 |
Englewood Cliffs, NJ |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
13-451682-6 |
Sewall Wright |
Birkhoff, Garrett, Saunders, MacLane |
A Survey of Modern Algebra |
1941 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Blalock, H.M. |
Casual Models in the Social Sciences |
1971 |
Chicago, IL |
Aldine Atherton, Inc. |
202-30076-5 |
NA |
Blum, Harold F. |
Time’s Arrow and Evolution |
1951 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Boas, Franz, and Deloria, Ella |
Memoirsof the National Academy of Sciences |
Volume XXIII, Second Memoir |
1941 |
Washington, D. C. |
United States Government Printing Office |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Bocher, Maxime |
Introduction to Higher Algebra |
1931 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Born, Max |
The Restless Universe |
1951 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications, Inc |
NA |
NA |
Bowley, Arthur L. |
Elements of Statistics |
1920 |
London, England |
P.S. King & Son, Ltd. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 2 |
Boyd, William C. |
Genetics and the Races of Man |
1950 |
Boston, MA |
Little, Brown and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Boyd, William C. |
Genetics and the Races of Man |
1950 |
Boston, MA |
Little, Brown and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Bradford, Gamaliel |
Bradford, Gamaliel |
Bradford, Gamaliel |
Bradford, Gamaliel |
Bradford, Gamaliel |
Bradford, Gamaliel |
Bradford, Gamaliel |
Bradford, Gamaliel |
Braun, Werner Ph. D. |
Bacterial Genetics |
1953 |
Philadelphia, PA |
W. B. Saunders and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Bridges, Calvin B., Brehme, Katherine S. |
The Mutants of Drosophila Melanogaster |
1944 |
Washington, D.C. |
Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Brown, Harrison |
The Challenge of Man’s Future |
1954 |
New York City, NY |
The Viking Press |
NA |
NA |
Bruhns, C. |
A New Manual of Logarithms to Seven Places of Decimals |
1939 |
New York City, NY |
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Byerly, W.E. |
Elements of the Integral Calculus |
1892 |
Boston, MA |
Ginn & Company |
NA |
Phillip S. Wright, Sewall Wright |
Byerly, W.E. |
Elements of the Differential Calculus |
1895 |
Boston, MA |
Ginn & Company |
NA |
Phillip S. Wright |
Cain, A.J. |
Animal Species and Their Evolution |
1960 |
Harper Torchbook |
NA |
NA |
Calman, W.T. |
The Classification of Animals |
Methuen’s Monographs on Biological Subjects |
1949 |
Great Britain |
Methuen & Co. Ltd. |
NA |
NA |
Campbell, Bernard G. |
Human Evolution: An Introduction to Man’s Adaptations |
1966 |
Chicago, IL |
Aldine Publishing Company |
0-202-02012-6 |
NA |
Campbell, Eleanor D.; Turner, Malcolm E.; Wright, Mary Frances |
A Handbook of Path Regression Analysis, Part I |
1960 |
Richmond, VA |
Department of Biophysics and Biometry, Medical College of Virginia |
NA |
NA |
Campbell, Neil & Smellia, R. Martin S. |
The Royal Society of Edinburgh: The First Two Hundred Years |
1983 |
Edinburgh |
The Royal Society of Edinburgh |
NA |
NA |
Carlson, Elof Axel Editor |
Proceedings of the XIII International Congress of Genetics; Part 1: Symposia |
Volume 78 |
1973 |
Berkeley, California |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Carter, G.S. |
Animal Evolution: A Study of Recent Views of its Causes |
1951 |
London, England |
Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Carter, G.S. |
Animal Evolution: A Study of Recent Views of its Causes |
1951 |
London, England |
Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Carter, G.S. |
A Hundred Years of Evolution |
1957 |
London, England |
Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Carter, G.S. |
Structure and Habit in Vertebrate Evolution |
1967 |
London, England |
Billing & Sons, Ltd. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Carver, Harry C. |
Statistical Tables |
1940 |
Ann Arbor, MI |
Edwards Brothers, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Castle, W.E. |
Genetics and Eugenics |
1916 |
Cambridge, UK |
Harvard University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Castle, W.E. |
Genetics and Eugenics |
1916 |
Cambridge, UK |
Harvard University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Castle, W.E. |
The Genetics of Domestic Rabbits |
1930 |
Cambridge, UK |
Harvard University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Castle, W.E., and Little, C.C. |
Reversion in Guinea-Pigs and its Explanation; Experimental Studies of the Inheritance of Color in Mice |
1913 |
Washington, D. C. |
The Carnegie Institution of Washington |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Castle, William E. |
Mammalian Genetics |
1940 |
Cambridge, UK |
Harvard University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Cattell, Jaques Editor. |
Biological Symposia |
Volume II |
1941 |
Lancaster, PA |
The Jaques Cattell Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Cattell, Jaques Editor. |
Biological Symposia |
Volume IV |
1942 |
Lancaster, PA |
The Jaques Cattell Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Cattell, Jaques Editor. |
Biological Symposia |
Volume X |
1943 |
Lancaster, PA |
The Jaques Cattell Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Cavalli-Sforza, L.L., Bodmer, W.F. |
The Genetics of Human Populations |
1971 |
San Fransisco, CA |
W.H. Freeman and Company |
0-7167-0681-4 |
NA |
Chai, Chen Kang |
Genetic Evolution |
1976 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
0-226-10066-9 |
NA |
Chapman, Frank M. |
Birds of Eastern North America |
1895 |
New York City, NY |
D. Appleton and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Chargaff, Edwin & Davindson, J.N., Editors |
The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, Volume I |
1955 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press, Inc, Publishers |
NA |
NA |
Child, C.M. |
Patterns and Problems of Development |
1941 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Childs, W.H.J. |
Physical Constants |
Methuen’s Monographs on Physical Subjects |
1951 |
New York City, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Shelf 3 |
Clark, W.E. Le Gros |
History of the Primates |
1950 |
London, England |
Adlard and Son, Ltd. |
NA |
NA |
Clarke, John M. |
Organic Dependence and Disease: Their Origin and Significance |
1921 |
New Haven, CT |
Yale University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Clemen, Rudolf A. |
By-Products in the Packing Industry |
1927 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
NA |
Coffin, Joseph George |
Vector Analysis |
1912 |
New York City, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Cohen, Abraham |
An Elementary Treatise on Differential Equations |
1906 |
Boston, MA |
D.C. Heath & Co., Publishers |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Cole, L.J. |
Oeuvres du Docteur Jules Guerin |
1880 |
Paris, France |
Au Bureau De La Publication Rue De Vaugirard |
NA |
NA |
Colin, Edward C. |
Elements of Genetics |
1941 |
York, PA |
The Maple Press Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Colin, Edward C. |
Elements of Genetics |
1941 |
Philadelphia, PA |
The Blakiston Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Colin, Edward C. |
Mendel’s Law of Heredity with Special Application to Man |
Elements of Genetics |
1941 |
Philadelphia, PA |
The Blakiston Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Colin, Edward C. |
Elements of Genetics (Third Edition) |
1956 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Colin, Edward C. |
Mendel’s Law of Heredity with Special Application to Man |
Elements of Genetics; Third Edition |
1956 |
York, PA |
The Maple Press Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
The Mendel Journal |
1909 |
London |
Taylor, Garnett, Evans, & Co., Ltd. |
NA |
Leon Cole |
Collection |
Eugenics in Race and State: Volume II |
Scientific Papers of the Second International Congress of Eugenics |
1923 |
Baltimore, MD |
Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Eugenics, Genetics and the Family: Volume I |
Scientific Papers of the Seconds International Congress of Eugenis |
1923 |
Baltimore, MD |
Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Collected Papers on Eugenic Sterilization in California |
1930 |
Pasadena, CA |
The Human Betterment Foundation |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
The Annals of Mathematical Statistics |
1931 |
Ann Arbor, MI |
Edwards Brothers, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume II |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume II |
1934 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genes and Chromosomes: Structure and Organization |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume IX |
1941 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
The Relation of Hormones to Development |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume X |
1942 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden |
Volume XXXII, Number 2 |
1945 |
Galesburg, IL |
The Board of Trustees of the Missouri Botanical Garden |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Heredity and Variation in Microorganisms |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XI |
1946 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Nucleic Acids and Nucleoproteins |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XII |
1946 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Biological Application of Tracer Elements |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XIII |
1948 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Contemporary Genetics in Sweden |
Eighth International Congress of Genetics |
1948 |
Stockholm, Sweden |
Unknwon |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Amino Acids and Proteins |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XIV |
1949 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society: Natural Selection and Adaptation |
1949 |
Lancaster, PA |
Lancaster Press |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
The Trend of Scottish Intelligence |
1949 |
London |
University of London Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Origin and Evolution of Man |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XV |
1950 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Symposium on Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids |
1950 |
Oak Ridge, TN |
NA |
NA |
Delmer C. Cooper |
Collection |
Biometric Problems in the Prediction and Estimation of the Growth of Plants in Tropical and Subtropical Regions |
1951 |
Calcutta |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Genes and Mutations |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XVI |
1951 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Viruses |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XVIII |
1953 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The BIological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Handbook of Laboratory Animals |
National Academy of Sciences Publication 317 |
1954 |
Washington D.C. |
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Mutation Research in Plants |
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Volume IV |
1954 |
Stockholm |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Symposium on Genetic Recombination |
1954 |
Oakridge, TN |
Oak Ridge National Labratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Population Genetics: The Nature and Causes of Genetic Variability in Populations |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XX |
1955 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genetic Mechanisms: Structure and Function |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XXI |
1956 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genetic Mechanisms: Structure and Function |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XXI |
1956 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Mutation |
Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, Number 8 |
1956 |
Washington, D.C. |
United States Atomic Energy Comission |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
The Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation, Summary Reports |
1956 |
Washington, DC |
National Academy of Sciences |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
The Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation |
1957 |
Washington, DC |
National Academy of Sciences |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Effect of Radiation on Human Heredity |
1957 |
Geneva |
World Health Organization |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Hearing Before the Special Subcommittee on Atomic Energy Congress of the United States |
The Nature of Radioactive Fallout and its Effects on Man |
1957 |
Washington, D.C. |
Government Printing Office |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Population Studies: Animal Ecology and Demography |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XXII |
1957 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Exchange of Genetic Material: Mechanisms and Consequences |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XXIII |
1958 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Proceedings of the X International Congress of Genetics |
Volume 2 |
1958 |
Canada |
University of Toronto Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Proceedings of the X International Congress of Genetics |
Volume 2 |
1958 |
Canada |
University of Toronto Press |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Proceedings of the X International Congress of Genetics |
Volume 1 |
1958 |
Canada |
University of Toronto Press |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Evolution and Anthropology: A Centennial Appraisal |
1959 |
Washington, D. C. |
The Anthropological Society of Washington |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genetic and Twentieth Century Darwinism |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Volume XXIV |
1959 |
Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society: Natural Selection and Adaptation |
1959 |
Philadelphia, PA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Symposium on Mammalian Genetics and Reporduction |
Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, Volume 56, Supplement 1 |
1960 |
Philadelphia, PA |
The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
The Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation, Summary Reports |
1960 |
Washington, DC |
National Academy of Sciences |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Symposium on Molecular Action of Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Agents |
Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, Volume 56, Supplement 1 |
1964 |
Philadelphia, PA |
The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Carnivore Genetics Newsletter |
Number 5 |
1968 |
Newtonville, MA |
Carnivore Genetics Research Center |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Program for the XII International Congress of Genetics; |
1968 |
Tokyo, Japan |
The Science Council of Japan |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Symposium on Protein-Nucleic Acid Interaction |
Journal of Cellular Physiology, Volume 74, Supplement 1 |
1969 |
Philadelphia, PA |
The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Program for the XIII International Congress of Genetics |
1973 |
Berkeley, CA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
The Chemical Basis of Life |
1973 |
San Francisco, CA |
W. H. Freeman and Company |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
[Title in Russian] |
1974 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genetic Department Papers |
1951-1954 |
various |
multiple publishers |
NA |
Collection |
Papers on Quantitative Genetics and Related Topics |
NA |
Raleigh, NC |
Department of Genetics, North Carolina State College |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Techniques and Procedures in Animal Production Research |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
The Scientific Endeavor |
NA |
NA |
The Rockefeller Institute Press |
NA |
NA |
Compton, Arthur H., Allison, Samuel K. |
X-Rays in Theory and Experiment |
1935 |
New York City, NY |
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Compton, Arthur H., Allison, Samuel K. |
X-Rays in Theory and Experiment (Second Edition) |
1936 |
New York, NY |
D. Ban Nostrand Company, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Comrie, L.J. |
Barlow’s Tables |
1941 |
Brooklyn, NY |
Chemical Publishing Co., Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Conklin, Edwin G. |
Heredity and Environment |
1919 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Conrad, Herbert S., Krause, Ruth H. |
A Seven-Decimal Table of the Area Under the Unit Normal Curve |
Vol 2, No 1 |
1937 |
n/a |
Psychometrika |
NA |
NA |
Conrad, Herbert S., Krause, Ruth H. |
An Extension of the Kelley-Wood and Kondoelderton Tables of Abscissae of the Unit Normal Curve |
1937 |
n/a |
The Journal of Experimental Education |
NA |
NA |
Conrad, Herbert S., Krause, Ruth H. |
New and Extended Tables of the Unit Normal Curve |
1938 |
Provincetown, MA |
The Journal Press |
NA |
NA |
Conrad, Herbert S., Krause, Ruth H. |
Students’ Tables of the Unit Normal Curve |
1938 |
n/a |
The Journal of Educational Psychology |
NA |
NA |
Cooper, Terrance G. |
The Tools of Biochemistry |
1977 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
0-471-17116-6 |
NA |
Councilman, W.T. |
Disease and its Causes |
1913 |
Cambridge, UK |
Henry Holt and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Court-Brown, W.M., Doll, R. |
Leukaemia and Aplastic Anaemia in Patients Irradiated for Ankylosing Spondylitis |
Medical Research Council Special Report Series No. 295 |
1957 |
London, England |
Her Majesty’s Stationary Office |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Cramer, Harald |
Mathematical Methods of Statistics |
1946 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Cramer, J.L. |
Science News: 16 |
1950 |
Harmondsworth, England |
Penguin Books |
NA |
NA |
Crozier, W.J. |
Determinisme et Variabilite Dans le Comportement Des Organismes |
Exposes de Biometrie et de Statistique Biologique Volume VII |
1935 |
Paris, France |
Hermann & Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dahlberg, Gunnar |
Race, Reason, & Rubbish: A Primer of Race Biology |
1942 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dahlberg, Gunnar |
Mathematical Methods for Population Genetics |
1947 |
New York, NY |
Basle, S. Karger |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dantchakoff, Vera |
Le Devenir du Sexe |
Exposes de Biologie Volume I |
1933 |
Paris, France |
Hermann & Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
NA |
Darlington, C.G. |
Recent Advances in Cytology |
1932 |
Philadelphia, PA |
P. Blakiston’s Son & Co. Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Darlington, C.D. |
Genetics and Man |
1964 |
New York, NY |
Schocken Books |
NA |
NA |
Darwin, C. G. |
The New Conceptions of Matter |
1931 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
NA |
Darwin, Leonard |
The Need For Eugenic Reform |
1926 |
New York, NY |
D. Appleton and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Davenport, C. B. |
Statistical Methods with Special Reference to Biological Cariation |
1904 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Davenport, Charles Benedict & Davenport, Gertrude Crotty |
Elements of Zoology |
1915 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics |
Advances in Genetics Volume I |
1947 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics |
Advances in Genetics Volume II |
1948 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics |
Advances in Genetics Volume III |
1950 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Biology of Drosophila |
1950 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics |
Advances in Genetics Volume IV |
1951 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics |
Advances in Genetics Volume V |
1953 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics |
Advances in Genetics Volume VI |
1954 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dawson |
Population Biology |
Demeric, M. |
Drophosphila |
Detlefsen, J.A. |
Genetic Studies on Cavy Species Cross |
1914 |
Washington, D.C. |
The Carnegie Institution of Washington |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Detwiler, Samuel R. |
Neuroembryology: An Experimental Study |
Experimental Biology Monographs |
1936 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
DeVries, Hugo |
Species and Varieties: Their Origin by Mutation |
1906 |
Chicago,IL |
The Open Court Publishing Company |
NA |
Margaret and William Bloom |
Dil, Anwar, Editor |
Life and Work of M.S. Swaminathan Toward a Hunger-Free World |
2004 |
Chennai, India |
EastWest Books (Madras) Pvt. Ltd. |
81-88661-33-3 |
NA |
Dil, Anwar, Editor |
Life and Work of M.S. Swaminathan Toward a Hunger-Free World |
2004 |
Chennai, India |
EastWest Books (Madras) Pvt. Ltd. |
NA |
Jim Crow |
Dickson, Leonard E. |
Modern Algebraic Theories |
1930 |
Chicago,IL |
Benj. H. Sanborn & Co. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dixon, Roland B. |
The Racial History of Man |
1923 |
New York, NY |
Charles Scribner’s Sons |
NA |
NA |
Dobzhansky, Theodsius |
Genetics and the Origin of Species: Second Edition |
1941 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 4 |
Dobzhansky, Theodsius |
Genetics and the Origin of Species: Third Edition |
1951 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dobzhansky, Theodsius |
Genetics of the Evolutionary Process |
1970 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dodson, Edward O. |
A Textbook of Evolution |
1952 |
Philadelphia, PA |
W.B. Saunders Company |
NA |
NA |
Doncaster, I. |
The Determination of Sex |
1914 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Dorland, W.A. Newman, Editor |
American Pocket Medical Dictionary |
1946 |
Philadelphia, PA |
W.B. Saunders Company |
NA |
NA |
Dorsey, George A |
Why We Behave Like Human Beings |
Harper’s Modern Science Series |
1925 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dublin, Louis I. |
Water Fluoridation: Facts, Not Myths |
Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 25 |
1957 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Duggar, Benjamin M., Editor |
Biological Effects of Radiation: Volume I |
1936 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Duggar, Benjamin M., Editor |
Biological Effects of Radiation: Volume II |
1936 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Duncan, Otis Dudley |
Introduction to Structural Models |
1975 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dunn, L. C. |
Heredity and Evolution in Human Populations |
1959 |
Cambridge, UK |
Harvard University Press |
NA |
NA |
Dunn, L.C. |
A Short History of Genetics |
1965 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
NA |
NA |
Dunn, L.C. |
A Short History of Genetics |
1965 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
NA |
NA |
Dunn, L.C. & Dobzhansky, TH. |
Heredity, Race, and Society |
1946 |
New York, NY |
Penguin Books, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dunn, L.C., Editor |
Genetics in the 20th Century |
1951 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Dwight, Herbert Bristol |
Mathematical Tables of Elementary and Some Higher Mathematical Functions, Second Edition |
1958 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
East, Edward M. |
Heredity and Human Affairs |
1927 |
New York, NY |
Charles Scribner’s Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
East, Edward M. & Jones, Donald F. |
Inbreeding and Outbreeding: Their Genetic and Sociological Significance |
Monographs on Experimental Biology |
1919 |
Philadelphia, PA |
J.B. Lippincott Company |
NA |
NA |
Eddington, A.S. |
Space, Time and Gravitation: An Outline of the General Relativity Theory |
1920 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Eddington, A.S. |
Stars and Atoms |
1927 |
New Haven, CT |
Yale University Press |
NA |
NA |
Eddington, A.S. |
The Nature of the Physical World |
1929 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ehrlich, Paul R. & Holm, Richard W. |
The Process of Evolution |
1963 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Einstein, Albert |
Relativity: The Special and General Theory |
1921 |
New York, NY |
Henry Holt and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Elderton, W. Palin |
Frequency Curves and Correlation, Third Edition |
1938 |
Cambridge, MA |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ellis, Havelock |
A Study of British Genius |
1926 |
Boston, MA |
Houghton Mifflin Company |
NA |
NA |
Ephrussi, Bois |
Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Relations In Micro-Organisms |
1953 |
Oxford |
Clarendon Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ewens, W.J. |
Population Genetics |
1969 |
London |
Methuem & Co Ltd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ezekiel, Mordecai |
Methods of Correlation Analysis |
1930 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ezekiel, Mordecai & Fox, Karl A. |
Methods of Correlation and Regression Analysis: Linear and Curvilinear |
1959 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Falconer, D.S. |
Introduction to Quantitative Genetics |
1960 |
Great Britain |
The Ronald Press Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Feldman, G.E. |
[Title in Russian] |
1976 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Feller, William |
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications: Volume I |
1950 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Feller, William |
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications: Volume II |
1966 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
NA |
Field, Henry |
The Races of Mankind |
1942 |
Chicago, IL |
The Field Museum of Natural History |
NA |
NA |
Fisher, Arne |
The Mathematical Theory of Probabilities and its Application to Frequency Curves and Statistical Methods |
1923 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 5 |
Fisher, R.A. |
Statistical Methods for Research Workers |
1925 |
Edinburgh |
Oliver and Boyd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Fisher, R.A. |
Statistical methods for Research Workers: Second Edition |
1928 |
Edinburgh |
Oliver and Boyd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Fisher, R.A. |
The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection |
1930 |
Oxford |
Clarendon Press |
NA |
Leon J. Cole |
Fisher, R.A. |
The Design of Experiments |
1935 |
Edinburgh |
Oliver and Boyd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Fisher, R.A. |
Statistical Methods for Research Workers, Seventh Edition |
1938 |
Edinburgh |
Oliver and Boyd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Fisher, R.A. |
The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection: Second Edition |
1958 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Fisher, R.A. & Yates, F. |
Statistical Tables For Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research |
1938 |
London |
Oliver and Boyd |
NA |
NA |
Fisher, R.A. & Yates, F. |
Statistical Tables For Biological, Agricultural, and Medical Research |
1938 |
London |
Oliver and Boyd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Fisher, Ronald A. |
The Theory of Inbreeding |
1949 |
Edinburgh |
Oliver and Boyd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Fisher, Ronald A. |
The Theory of Inbreeding |
1949 |
New York, NY |
Hafner Publishing Company, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Florkin, Marcel |
Biochemical Evolution |
1949 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Ford, E.B. |
Mendelism and Evolution |
1931 |
New York, NY |
Lincoln Mac Veagh, The Dial Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Fox, Karl A. |
Econometric Analysis for Public Policy |
1958 |
Ames, IA |
The Iowa State College Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Fox, Karl A. |
Social Indicators and Social Theory: Elements of and Operational System |
1974 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Frazer, James Georgo |
The Golden Bough |
1923 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Freeman, Eugene, Editor |
The Monist, Vol 48. No. 2 |
1964 |
La Salle, IL |
The Edward C. Hegler Foundation |
NA |
NA |
Freeman, Eugene, Editor |
The Monist, Vol. 48 No. 2 |
1964 |
LaSalle, IL |
The Edward C. Hegeler Foundation |
NA |
NA |
French, Stacy C. |
Annual Report of the Director of the Department of Plant Biology |
1960 |
Stanford, CA |
Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book |
NA |
NA |
French, Stacy C. |
Annual Report of the Director of the Department of Plant Biology |
1961 |
Stanford, CA |
Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book |
NA |
NA |
Gates, Reginald Ruggles |
Human Genetics, Volume I |
1946 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Gates, Reginald Ruggles |
Human Genetics, Volume II |
1946 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Gause, G.F. |
The Struggle for Existence |
1934 |
Baltimore, MD |
The WIlliams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
Leon Cole |
Gause, G.F. |
La Theorie Mathematique de la Lutte Pour la Vie |
Exposes de Biometrie IX |
1935 |
Paris |
Hermann et Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Geerts, S.J., Editor |
Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Genetics |
Volume 2; Reports, Records and Plenary Sessions |
1963 |
Oxford |
Pergamon Press |
NA |
NA |
Geerts, S.J., Editor |
Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Genetics |
Volume 3; Symposia |
1963 |
Oxford |
Pergamon Press |
NA |
NA |
Geerts, S.J., Editor |
Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Genetics |
Volume 1; Abstracts |
1963 |
Oxford |
Pergamon Press |
NA |
NA |
Glass, Bentley; Temkin, Owsei, & Straus, William L. |
Forerunners of Darwing: 1745-1859 |
1959 |
Baltimore, MD |
The John Hopkins Press |
NA |
NA |
Glasstone, Samuel, Editor |
The Effects of Atomic Weapons |
1950 |
Atomic Energy Commission |
NA |
NA |
Glasstone, Samuel, Editor |
The Effects of Atomic Weapons (Advance Copy) |
1950 |
Atomic Energy Commission |
NA |
NA |
Goldberger, Arthur S. & duncan, Otis Dudley; Editors |
Structural Equation models in the Social Sciences |
1973 |
New York, NY |
Seminar Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Goldschmidt, Elisabeth; Editor |
The Genetics of Migrant and Isolate Populations |
1963 |
Baltimore, MD |
The Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
NA |
Goldschmidt, Richard |
Physiological Genetics, First Edition |
1938 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company,Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Goldschmidt, Richard |
Physiological Genetics, First Edition |
1938 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company,Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Goldschmidt, Richard |
The Material Basis of Evolution |
1940 |
New Haven, CT |
Yale University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Goldschmidt, Richard |
Understanding Heredity: In Introduction to Genetics |
1952 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
NA |
Goldshmidt, Richard |
Einfuhrung in Die Vererbungswissenschaft |
1928 |
Berlin, Germany |
Verlag Von Julius Springer |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Goodman, Richard M |
Genetic Disorders Among the Jewish People |
1979 |
Baltimore, MD |
The John Hopkins University Press |
NA |
NA |
Gosney, E.S., Popenoe, Paul |
Sterilization for Human Betterment |
1929 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Gosney, E.S., Popenoe, Paul |
Sterilization For Human Betterment |
1930 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 6 |
Goulden, C. H. |
Methods of Statistical Analysis |
1939 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Gowen, John W. |
Milk Secretion |
1924 |
Baltimore, MD |
Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Gowen, John W., Editor |
Heterosis |
1952 |
Ames, IA |
Iowa State College Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Granville, William Anthony |
Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus (Revised Edition) |
1911 |
Boston, MA |
Ginn and Company |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Gregory, William |
Evolution Emerging, Volume I: Text |
Evolution Emerging: A Survey of Changing Patterns from Primeval Life to Man |
1951 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Gregory, William |
Evolution Emerging, Volume II: Illustrations |
Evolution Emerging: A Survey of Changing Patterns from Primeval Life to Man |
1951 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Groneberg, Albert; Larsson, Tage; Jung, Jan |
Diabetes in Sweden |
1967 |
Sweden |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Gruneberg, Hans |
The Genetics of the Mouse |
1943 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Gruneberg, Hans |
Animal Genetics and Medicine |
1947 |
New York, NY |
Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Gurney, O.R. |
The Hittites |
1952 |
Baltimore, MD |
Penguin Books |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Gustafsson, Ake |
The Genesis of the European Blackberry Flora |
1943 |
Sweden |
Hakan Ohlssons Boktryckeri |
NA |
NA |
Gustafsson, Ake |
Part I: The Mechanism of Apomixis |
Apomixis in Higher Plants |
1946 |
Sweden |
Hakan Ohlssons Boktryckeri |
NA |
NA |
Gustafsson, Ake |
Part II: The Casual Aspect of Apomixis |
Apomixis in Higher Plants |
1947 |
Sweden |
Hakan Ohlssons Boktryckeri |
NA |
NA |
Gustafsson, Ake |
Part III: Biotype and Species Formation |
Apomixis in Higher Plants |
1947 |
Sweden |
Hakan Ohlssons Boktryckeri |
NA |
NA |
Gustafsson, Ake |
Polyploidy, Life-form and Vegetative Reproduction |
Separat ur Hereditas XXXIV |
1948 |
Sweden |
Mendelian Society |
NA |
NA |
Haldane, J. B. S. |
The Causes o Evolution |
1932 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers Publishers |
NA |
Leon Cole |
Haldane, J. B. S. |
The Marxist Philosophy and the Sciences |
1939 |
New York, NY |
Random House |
NA |
NA |
Hallgren, Bertil |
Specific Dyslexia: A Clinical and Genetic Study |
Acta Psychiatrica Et neurologica Supplementum 65 |
1950 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hanson, W.D. & Robinson, H.F., editors |
Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding |
National Academy of Sciences Publication 982 |
1963 |
Washington, D.C. |
National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council |
NA |
NA |
Hardin, Garrett |
Nature and Man’s Fate |
1959 |
New York, NY |
Rinehart & Company, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Harris, J.A.; Jackson, C. M.; Paterson, D.G.; Scammon, R.E. |
The Measurement of Man |
Minnesota Sigma Xi Lectures |
19300 |
MN |
The University of Minnesota Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Harris, Theodore |
The Theory of Branching Processes |
1963 |
Englewood Cliffs, NJ |
Prentice-Hall Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Harrow, Benjamin |
Textbook of Biochemistry, Third Edition |
1943 |
Philadelphia, PA |
W.B. Saunders Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hayes, Herbert Kendall & Garber, Ralph John |
Breeding Crop Plants |
1921 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hayk, A. |
[Title in Russian] |
1963 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hedrick, E.R. & Kellogg, O.D. |
Applications of the Calculus to Mechanics |
1909 |
Boston, MA |
Ginn and Company |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Heisenberg, Werner |
The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory |
1930 |
Dover Publications, Inc |
NA |
NA |
Henderson, Lawrence J. |
The Fitness of the Environment |
1913 |
Boston, MA |
Beacon Press |
NA |
NA |
Henry, W.A. |
Feeds and Feeding: A Handbook for the Student and Stockman |
1916 |
Madison, WI |
The Henry-Morrison Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Herbert, S. |
The First Principles of Evolution |
1913 |
London |
Adam and Charles black |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Herbert, S. |
The First Principles of Evolution |
1913 |
London |
Adam and Charles black |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Herskowitz, Irwin H. |
Principles of Genetics |
1973 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Heston, Walter E., Editor |
Conference On Problems and Methods in Human Genetics PROCEEDINGS |
1953 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Hiroyoshi, Toshiki |
Papers Presented at the Small Symposia of the XII International Congress of Genetics |
The Japanese Journal of Genetics, Volume 44, Supplement 1 |
1969 |
Tokyo, Japan |
The Genetics Society of Japan |
NA |
NA |
Hirsch, Nathaniel D. Mttron |
Twins: Heredity and Environment |
1930 |
Cambridge, UK |
Harvard University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hoagland, Hudson |
Pacemakers in Relation to Aspects of Behavior |
1935 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hober, Rudolf |
Physical Chemistry of Cells and Tissues |
1945 |
Philadelphia, PA |
The Blakiston Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 7 |
Hodgman, Charles & Langer, Norbert A. |
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: Twelfth Edition |
1927 |
Cleveland, OH |
Chemical Rubber Publishing Co. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hogben, Lancelot |
Nature and Nurture |
1933 |
New York, NY |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hogben, Lancelot |
An Introduction to Mathematical Genetics |
1946 |
New York, NY |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hogness, T.R., Johnson & Johnson, Warren C. |
Qualitative Analysis and Chemical Equilibrium, Third Edition |
1947 |
New York, NY |
Henry Holt and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Holmes, Samuel J. |
The Trend of the Race: A Study of Present Tendencies in Biological Development of Civilized Mankind |
1921 |
New York, NY |
Harcourt, Brace, and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Holmes, Samuel J. |
Life and Evolution: An Introduction to General Biology |
1926 |
New York, NY |
Harcourt, Brace, and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Holstein,Jean |
The First Fifty Years at The Jackson Laboratory |
1979 |
NA |
The Jackson Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Holzinger, Karl J. & Harman, Harry H. |
Factor Analysis: A Synthesis of Factorial Methods |
1941 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hopf, L. |
Introduction to the Differential Equations of Physics |
1948 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hoskins, R.G. |
Endocrinology: The Glands and Their Functions |
1941 |
New York, NY |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hovanitz, William |
Textbook of Genetics |
1953 |
Houston, TX |
Elsevier Press, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hovanitz, William |
Textbook of Genetics |
1953 |
Houston, TX |
Elsevier Press, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hrdlicka, Ales |
Observations and Measurements on the Members of the National Academy of Sciences |
Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, Third Memoir |
1940 |
Washington |
Government Printing Office |
NA |
NA |
Hubert, Henri |
The Rise of the Celts |
1934 |
London |
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, Ltd |
NA |
NA |
Hunt, Harrison R. |
Some Biological Aspects of War |
1930 |
New York, NY |
The Galton Publishing Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Huntington, Ellsworth V. |
Four Place Tables of Logarithms and Trigonometric Functions |
1910 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Huntington, Ellsworth V. |
Tomorrow’s Children: The Goal of Eugenics |
1935 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Hutchinson, J.B.; Silow, R.A.; Stephens, S.G. |
The Evolution of Gossypium and the Differentiation of the Cultivated Cottons |
1947 |
London |
Oxford University Press |
NA |
NA |
Huxley, Julian |
Religion Without Revelation |
1927 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers Publishers |
NA |
NA |
Huxley, Julian |
Evolution in Action |
1935 |
New York, NY |
The New American Library |
NA |
NA |
Huxley, Julian |
The New Systematics |
1940 |
Oxford |
The Clarendon Press |
NA |
Leon Cole |
Huxley, Julian |
Man Stands Alone, First Edition |
1941 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers Publishers |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Huxley, Julian |
Man Stands Alone, Second Edition |
1941 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers Publishers |
NA |
NA |
Huxley, Julian |
Evolution: The Modern Synthesis |
1942 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers Publishers |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Huxley, Julian |
Soviet Genetics and World Science |
1949 |
London |
Chatto and Windus |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Huxley, Julian, Editor |
The New Systematics |
1940 |
Oxford |
The Clarendon Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Jacob, Samson T., Editor |
Enzymes of Nucleic Acid Synthesis and Modification |
Volume II: RNA Enzymes |
1983 |
Boca Raton, FL |
CRC Press, Inc. |
0-8493-5518-4 |
NA |
Jahnke, Eugene & Emde, Fritz |
Tables of Functions with Formulae and Curves, Fourth Editions |
1945 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications |
NA |
NA |
Jameson, D.L., Editor |
Genetics of Speciation |
Benchmark Papers in Genetics, Volume IX |
1977 |
Stroudsburg, PA |
Dowden, Hutchinson, & Ross, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Jellinek, E.M., Editor |
Biometric Bulletin, Volume I |
Biometric Bulletin |
1938 |
Worcester, MA |
The Biometric Laboratory of the Memorial Foundation for Neuro-Endocrine Research |
NA |
NA |
Jepsen, Glenn, L; Mayr, Ernst; Simpson, George Gaylord, Editors |
Genetics, Paleontology, and Evolution |
1949 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Jepsen, Glenn, L; Mayr, Ernst; Simpson, George Gaylord, Editors |
Genetics, Paleontology, and Evolution |
1949 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Johannsen, W. |
Concerning Heredity in Populations and in Pure Lines |
1953 |
Chicago, IL |
University of Chicago Press |
NA |
NA |
Johanson, Donald C. & Edey, Maitland A. |
Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind |
1981 |
New York, NY |
Simon and Schuster |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Johnson, M.L.; Abercrombie, M.; Fogg, G.E. |
New Biology 20 |
New Biology Series |
1956 |
Great Britain |
Penguin Books |
NA |
NA |
Johnson, M.L.& Abercrombie, M. |
New Biology 7 |
New Biology Series |
1949 |
Great Britain |
Penguin Books |
NA |
NA |
Jones, Donald Forsha |
Genetics in Plant and Animal Improvement |
1925 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 8 |
Jordan,Harvey Ernest & Ferguson, Jeremiah S. |
A Text-book of Histology |
1916 |
New York, NY |
D. Appleton and Company |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Kabat, Elvin A.’ Wu, Tai Te; & Howard Bilofsky |
Sequences of Immunoglobulin Chains |
1979 |
NA |
Us Department of Health, Education, and Welfare |
NA |
NA |
Karlin, Samuel |
Equilibrium Behavior of Population Genetic Models With Non-Random Mating |
1969 |
New York, NY |
Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers |
NA |
NA |
Karman, Theodore & Biot, Maurice A. |
Mathematical Methods in Engineering |
1940 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Keeler, Clyde E. |
Behavior Synthesis Through Pigment Gene Pleiotropy |
1968 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kelley, Truman L. |
Statistical Method |
1923 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kelley, Truman L. |
Essential Traits of Mental Life |
1935 |
Cambridge, UK |
Harvard University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kelley, Truman L. |
The Kelley Statistical Tables |
1938 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kempthorne, Oscar |
An Introduction to Genetic Statistics |
1957 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
NA |
NA |
Kempthorne, Oscar |
An Introduction to Genetic Statistics |
1957 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kendall, Maurice G. |
The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Volume I |
1943 |
NA |
J. B. Lippincott Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Keosian, JOhn |
The Origin of Life, Second Edition |
1964 |
New York, NY |
Reinhold Book Corporation |
NA |
NA |
Key, Wilhelmine E. |
Feeble-Minded Citizens in Pennsylvania |
1915 |
Philadelphia, PA |
The Public Charities Association of Pennsylvania |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Key, Wilhelmine E. |
Heredity and Social Fitness: A Study of Differential Mating in A Pennsylvania Family |
1920 |
Washington |
Carnegie Institution of Washington |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Khinchin, A.I. & Gamow, G. |
Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics |
The Dover Series in Mathematics and Physics |
1949 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications, Inc |
NA |
NA |
Kimura, Motoo & Ohta, Tomoko |
Theoretical Aspects of Population Genetics |
Monographs in Population Biology, IV |
1971 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Knopp, Konrad |
Theory of Functions |
Part 1, Elements of the General Theory of Analytic Functions |
1945 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Komai, Taku |
Pedigrees of Hereditary Diseases and Abnormalities Found in the Japanese Race |
1947 |
Hokuryukan, Japan |
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Scientific Research |
NA |
NA |
Kostitzin, V.A. |
Symbiose, Parasitisme et Evolution (Etude Mathematique) |
Exposes de Biometrie et Statistique Biologique, Volume II |
1934 |
Paris |
Hermann & Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kostitzin, V.A. |
Evolution de L’Atmosphere |
Exposes de Biometrie et de Statistique Biologique, Volume VIII |
1935 |
Paris |
Hermann & Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kroeber, A. L. |
Anthropology |
1923 |
New York, NY |
Harcourt, Brace, and Company |
NA |
NA |
Kronacher, C. |
Allgemeine Tierzucht |
1928 |
Berlin, Germany |
Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Parey |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kurtz, Albert K. & Edgerton, Harold A. |
Statistical Dictionary |
1939 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kuzma, Jan W. & Bohnenblust, Stephen E. |
Basic Statistics for Health Sciences: Fourth Edition |
2001 |
Mountain View, CA |
Mayfield Publishing Company |
NA |
NA |
L’Heritier, Ph. |
Genetique et Evolution |
Exposes de Biometrie et Statistique Biologique, Volume III |
1934 |
Paris |
Hermann & Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
L’Heritier, Ph. |
Genetique et Evolution |
Exposes de Biometrie et Statistique Biologique, Volume III |
1934 |
Paris |
Hermann & Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lacroix, Adrien & Ragot, Charles L. |
A Graphic Table Combining Logarithms and Anti-Logarithms |
1926 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lamon, Harry M. & Slocum, Rob R. |
The Mating and Breeding of Poultry |
1920 |
New York, NY |
Orange Judd Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lamotte, Maxime |
Recherces Sur la Structure Genetique des Population Naturelles de Cepaea Nemoralis |
Supplements au Bulletin Biologique de France te de Belgique, Volume 35 |
1951 |
Paris |
Laboratoire D’evoltion Des Etres Organises |
NA |
NA |
Laslett, Peter, Compiler |
The Physical Basis of Mind |
1950 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Le Roy, Henri Louis |
Statistische Methoden der Populationsgenetik |
1960 |
Stuttgart, Germany |
Birkhauser Verlag Basel |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Leakey, Richard E. |
The Making of Manking |
1981 |
London |
E.P. Dutton |
0-525-150552 |
NA |
Lerner, I. Michael |
The Genetic Basis of Selection |
1958 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Levin, S, Editor |
Lecture Notes in Biomathematics |
1977 |
Berlin |
Springer-Verlag |
0-387-08435-5 |
NA |
Lewes, George Henry |
Studies in Animal Life |
1862 |
London, England |
Smith, Elder and Co. |
NA |
NA |
Lewis, Gilbert Newton & Randall, Merle |
Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances |
1923 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company,Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lewontin, R.C. |
The Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change |
1970 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
0-231-08318-1 |
Sewall Wright |
Ley, Willy |
The Lungfish and the Unicorn- An Excursion into Romantic Zoology |
1941 |
New York, NY |
Modern Age Books |
NA |
NA |
Li, Ching Chun |
An Introduction to Population Genetics |
1948 |
Peiping, China |
National Peking University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Li, Ching Chun |
An Introduction to Population Genetics |
1948 |
Peiping, China |
National Peking University Press |
NA |
NA |
Li, Ching Chun |
Population Genetics |
1955 |
Chicago,IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Li, Ching Chun |
Path Analysis- a primer |
1975 |
Pacific Grove, CA |
The Boxwood Press |
0-910286-41-8 |
Sewall Wright |
Li, Ching Chun |
Path Analysis- a primer |
1975 |
Pacific Grove, CA |
The Boxwood Press |
0-910286-41-8 |
Sewall Wright |
Li, Ching Chun |
First Course in Population Genetics |
1976 |
Pacific Grove, CA |
The Boxwood Press |
0-910286-43-4 |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 9 |
Lindsey, Arthur Ward |
Textbook of Evolution and Genetics |
1929 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lips, Julius E. |
The Savage Hits Back |
1937 |
New Haven, CT |
Yale University Press |
NA |
NA |
Little, Clarence C. |
The Inheritance of Coat Color in Dogs |
1957 |
Ithaca, NY |
Comstock Publishing Associates |
NA |
NA |
Locke, Michael, Editor. |
Cytodifferentiation and Macromolecular Synthesis |
21st Symposium of the Society for the Study of Development and Growth |
1963 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Locke, Michael, Editor. |
Cellular Membranes in Development |
22nd Symposium of the Society for the Study of Development and Growth |
1964 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lorenz, Konrad Z. |
King Solomon’s Ring; New Light on Animal Ways |
1952 |
London, England |
Methuen & Co. Ltd. |
NA |
NA |
Lorimer, Frank, Osborn, Frederick |
Dynamics of Population |
1934 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lotka, Alfred J. |
Elements of Physical Biology |
1925 |
Baltimore, MD |
Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lotka, Alfred J. |
Theorie Analytique Des Associations Biologiques |
1934 |
Paris, France |
Hermann Et Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
NA |
Lotsy, J.P. |
Vorlesungen Uber Deszendenztheorien |
1908 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lucas, Howard J. |
Organic Chemistry |
1935 |
New York, NY |
American Book Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lull, Richard Swann |
Organic Evolution |
1947 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Company |
NA |
NA |
Lush, Jay L. |
Animal Breeding Plans |
1937 |
Ames, IA |
Collegiate Press, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lush, Jay L. |
Animal Breeding Plans |
Second Edition |
1943 |
Ames, IA |
The Iowa State College Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Lutz, Frank E. |
Fieldbook of Insects |
1918 |
New York, NY |
The Knickerbocker Press |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Macalister, R.A.S. |
Tara; A Pagan Sanctuary of Ancient Ireland |
1931 |
New York, NY |
Charles Scribner’s Sons |
NA |
NA |
MacArthur, Robert H., Wilson, Edward O. |
The Theory of Island Biogeography |
Monographs in Population Biology I |
1967 |
Princeton, New Jersey |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
NA |
MacDougall, F.H. |
Physical Chemistry |
1937 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Malin, Donald F. |
The Evolution of Breeds |
1923 |
Des Moines, IA |
Wallace Publishing Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Mangelsdorf, P.C., Reeves, R.G. |
The Origin of Indian Corn and Its Relatives |
1939 |
College Station, TX |
Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas |
NA |
NA |
Markert, Clement L., Ursprung, Heinrich |
Developmental Genetics |
1971 |
Englewood Cliffs, NJ |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
NA |
Nelson |
Mather, K. |
The Measurement of Linkage in Heredity |
1938 |
New York, NY |
Chemical Publishing Co. of N.Y. Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Mather, K. |
Biometrical Genetics; The Study of Continuous Variation |
1949 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Mathews, F. Schuyler |
Fieldbook of American Wildflowers |
1902 |
New York, NY |
The Knickerbocker Press |
NA |
Louise Wright |
Maxwell, James Clerk |
Matter and Motion |
unlisted |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Mayr, Ernst |
Systematics and the Origin of Species |
1942 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Mayr, Ernst |
Animal Species and Evolution |
1963 |
Cambridge, UK |
The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
McElroy, WIlliam D. & Glass, Bentley, Editors |
A Symposium on the Chemical Basis of Heredity |
1957 |
Baltimore, MD |
The Johns Hopkins Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
McElroy, William D. &Swanson, Carl P., editors |
Readings in Population Biology |
1971 |
Englewood Cliffs, NJ |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
McKusick, Victor A. |
Mendelian Inheritance in Man |
1966 |
Baltimore, MD |
The Johns Hopkins Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Menninger, Karl A. |
The Human Mind, Third Edition |
1945 |
New York, NY |
Alfred A Knopf |
NA |
NA |
Michurn, Ivan Vladimirovich |
Selected Works |
1949 |
Moscow, Russia |
Foreign Languages Publishing House |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Miller, Hugh |
Progress and Decline |
1963 |
Los Angeles, CA |
The Ward Ritchie Press |
NA |
NA |
Millikan, Robert A. |
Biographical Memoir of Albert Abraham Michelson |
1938 |
Washington D.C. |
The National Academy of Sciences |
NA |
NA |
Miner, John Rice |
Tables of [square root (1-r^2)] and (1-r^2) |
1922 |
Baltimore, MD |
The John Hopkins Press |
NA |
NA |
Miner, Roy Waldo, Editor |
Animal Colony Maintenance |
Animals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 46 |
1945 |
New York, NY |
The Academy |
NA |
NA |
Miner, Roy Waldo, Editor |
Parental Age and Characteristics of the Offspring |
Animals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 47 |
1954 |
New York, NY |
The Academy |
NA |
NA |
Mises, Richard Von |
Probability, Statistics, and Truth |
1939 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Mohr, Otto L. |
Heredity and Disease |
1934 |
New York, NY |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 10 |
Montagu, M. F. Ashley, Editor |
Genetic Mechanisms in Human Disease; Chromosomal Aberrations |
1961 |
Springfield, IL |
Thomas Books |
NA |
NA |
Montagu, Ashley |
Human Heredity |
1960 |
New York, NY |
The World Publishing Company |
NA |
NA |
Montgomery, Thos H. |
The Analysis of Racial Descent in Animals |
1906 |
New York, NY |
Henry Holt and Company |
NA |
W. Bloom |
Moody, Paul Amos |
Introduction to Evolution |
1953 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers Publishers |
NA |
NA |
Moran, P.A.P. |
The Statistical Processes of Evolutionary Theory |
1962 |
London, England |
Oxford University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Morgan, C. Lloyd |
The Emergence of Novelty |
1933 |
London, England |
Williams & Norgate Ltd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Morgan, T.H. |
The Physical Basis of Heredity |
1919 |
Philadelphia, PA |
J.B. Lippincott Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Morgan, T.H. |
The Theory of the Gene |
1926 |
New Haven, CT |
Yale University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Morgan, T.H. |
The Scientific Basis of Evolution |
1932 |
New York, NY |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Morgan, T.H. |
The Scientific Basis of Evolution |
1932 |
New York, NY |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Morgan, T.H. |
Embryology and Genetics |
1934 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Morgan, T.H.; Sturtevant, A.H.; Bridges, C.B. |
The Genetics of Drosophila |
1925 |
Boston, MA |
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Morgan, T.H.; Sturtevant, A.H.; Muller, H.J. & Bridges, C.B. |
The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity |
1915 |
New York, NY |
Henry Holt and Company |
NA |
Leon Cole |
Morrey, Charles Bradfield |
The Fundamentals of Bacteriology |
1917 |
Philadelphia, PA |
Lea & Febiger |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Moser, Hermann A. |
The Dynamics of Bacterial Populations Maintained in the Chemostat |
1956 |
Washington D.C. |
The Carnegie Institution of Washington |
NA |
NA |
Moulton, Forest Ray |
Differential Equations |
1930 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Muir, Thomas |
A Treatise on the Theory of Determinants |
1882 |
London, England |
MacMillan and Co. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Muller, H.J. |
Out of the Night: A biologist’s review of the future |
1936 |
London, England |
Victor Gollancz Ltd. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Muller, H.J. |
Bibliography on the Genetics of Drosophila |
1939 |
Edniburgh, Scotland |
Oliver and Boyd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Muller, H.J. |
Studies in Genetics |
1962 |
Bloomington, IN |
Indiana University Press |
NA |
NA |
Mumford, F.B. |
The Breeding of Animals |
1917 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Muntzing, Arne |
Genetic Research: A survey of methods and main results |
1961 |
Stockholm, Sweden |
Meijels Bokindustri |
NA |
NA |
Murnaghan, Francis D. |
Analytic Geometry |
1946 |
New York, NY |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
NA |
Robert Wright |
NA |
Part I: Department of Agriculture |
List of Workers in Subjects Pertaining to Agriculture |
1922 |
Washington, DC |
United States Government Printing Office |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
NA |
Part II: State Agricultural College and Experiment Stations |
List of Workers in Subjects Pertaining to Agriculture |
1924 |
Washington, DC |
United States Government Printing Office |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Yearbook of Agriculture |
1936 |
Washington, DC |
United States Government Printing Office |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
NA |
Yearbook of Agriculture |
1937 |
Washington, DC |
United States Government Printing Office |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
NA |
Program of the X International Congress of Genetics |
1958 |
Canada |
University of Toronto Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
NA |
The National Academy of Sciences |
1963 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Program and Abstracts: The American Society of Human Genetics 27th Annual Meeting |
1975 |
Baltimore, MA |
The American Society of Human Genetics |
NA |
NA |
NA |
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Records 1975-1976 |
1976 |
Cambridge, UK |
American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
NA |
NA |
Nagylaki, Thoman |
Selection in One-and Two-Locus Systems |
Lecture Note in Biomathematics |
1977 |
New York, NY |
Springer-Verlag |
0-387-08247-6 |
NA |
Needham, Joseph |
Biochemistry and Morphogenesis |
1942 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Neel, James V., Editor |
Genetics and the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases: A Symposium |
Public Health Service Publciation No. 1163 |
1965 |
Washington, DC |
Public Health Service |
NA |
NA |
Neel, James V., Schull, William J. |
Human Heredity |
1954 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Neel, James V., Schull, William J. |
The Effect of Exposure to the Atomic Bombs on Pregnancy Termination in Hiroshima and Nagasaki |
1956 |
Washington D.C. |
National Academy of Sciences–National Research Council |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Nei, Masatoshi |
Molecular Popultion Genetics and Evolution |
Frontiers of BIology, Volume 40 |
1975 |
Amsterdam |
North-Holland Publishing Company |
0-7204-7141-9 |
Sewall Wright |
Newman, Horatio Hackett |
Evolution, Genetics and Eugenics |
1932 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ohta, Tomoko |
Evolution and Variation of Multigene Families |
Lecture Notes in Biomathematics |
1980 |
New York, NY |
Springer-Verlag |
0-387-09998-0 |
NA |
Olson, Everett C., Miller, Robert L. |
Morphological Integration |
1958 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Oparin, A.I. |
Origin of Life |
1953 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Osborn, Frederick |
Preface to Eugenics |
1940 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Osborn, Henry Fairfield |
The Age of Mammals |
1910 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Osborn, Henry Fairfield |
The Origin and Evolution of Life |
1917 |
New York, NY |
Charles Scribner’s Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 11 |
Oshima, C. Editor. |
Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Genetics |
Volume. 1; Abstracts of Contributed Papers |
1968 |
Tokyo, Japan |
The Science Council of Japan |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Oshima, C. Editor. |
Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Genetics |
Volume. 2; Abstracts of Plenary Lectures, Invited Lectures, and Small Symposia |
1968 |
Tokyo, Japan |
The Science Council of Japan |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Oshima, C. Editor. |
Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Genetics |
Volume. 3; Reports, Records, Plenary Lectures and Invited Lectures |
1969 |
Tokyo, Japan |
The Science Council of Japan |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ottnck, O. |
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1969 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
NA |
Pamhep, B.A. |
[Title in Russian] |
1966 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Parker, George Howard |
Animal Colour Changes and Their Neurohumours |
1948 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Patterson, J.T. |
Studies in the Genetics of Drosophila |
III: The Drosophilidae of the Southwest |
1943 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Patterson, J.T. |
Studies in the Genetics of Drosophila |
V: Isolating Mechanisms |
1947 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Patterson, J.T. |
Studies in the Genetics of Drosophila |
VIII. Articles on Genetics, Taxonomy, Cytology and Radiation |
1954 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Patterson, J.T., Stone, W.S. |
Evolution in the Genus Drosophila |
1952 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Paulian, Renaud |
Le Polymorphisme des Males de Coleopteres |
1935 |
Paris, France |
Hermann Et Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Pauling, Linus |
General Chemistry: An Introduction to Descriptive Chemistry and Modern Chemical Theory |
1947 |
San Francisco, CA |
W.H. Freeman and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Pearl, Raymond |
The Biology of Population Growth |
1925 |
New York, NY |
Alfred A. Knopf |
NA |
NA |
Pearl, Raymond |
Introduction to Medical Biometry and Statistics, Third Edition |
1940 |
Philadelphia, PA |
W.B. Saunders Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Pearl, Raymond & Pearl, Ruth DeWitt |
The Ancestry of the Long-Lived |
1934 |
Baltimore, MD |
The Johns Hopkins Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Pearson, Karl; Editor |
Tables for Statisticians and Biometricians |
1914 |
Cambridge, UK |
University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Peckham, George W. & Peckham, Elizabeth G. |
Wasps Social and Solitary |
1905 |
Boston, MA |
Houghton, Mifflin and Company |
NA |
NA |
Peirce, B.O. |
A Short Table of Integrals, Second Revised Edition |
1910 |
Boston, MA |
Ginn & Company |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Penrose, L.S. |
Outline of Human Genetics |
1959 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Perkin, W.H. & Kipping, F. Stanley |
Organic Chemistry, Part I |
NA |
London |
W. & R. Chamber,s Limited |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Peters, James A. |
Classic Papers in Genetics |
1959 |
Englewood Cliffs, NJ |
Prentice-Hall Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Peters, James A. (ed) |
Classic Papers in Genetics |
1959 |
Englewood Cliffs, NJ |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
NA |
Petit, Claudine |
Le Determinisme Genetique Et Psycho-Pysiologique de la Competition Sexuelle Chez Drosophila Melanogaster |
Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique |
1958 |
Paris |
University of France Press |
NA |
NA |
Phillips, Andrew W. & Fisher, Irving |
Logarithms of Numbers Five-figure Table |
1896 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Brothers Publishers |
NA |
Philip Wright |
Pohl, Frederick J. |
The Viking Exploreres |
1834 |
New York, NY |
Thomas Y. Crowell Company |
NA |
NA |
Pollak, Edward; Kempthorne, Oscar; Bailey, Theodore B. |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Quantitative Genetics |
1977 |
Ames, IA |
The Iowa State University Press |
NA |
NA |
Popenoe, Paul |
The Child’s Heredity |
1929 |
Baltimore, MD |
The Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Popenoe, Paul & Johnson, Roswell Hill |
Applied Eugenics |
1918 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Popenoe, Paul & Johnson, Roswell Hill |
Applied Eugenics |
1933 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Popper, Karl |
An Intellectual Autobiography Unended Quest |
1976 |
NA |
Fontana |
NA |
NA |
Provine, William B. |
The Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics |
1971 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
NA |
Provine, William B. |
Sewall Wright: Geneticist and Evolutionist |
7 of 10 Chapters only |
1981 (written) |
N/A (preliminary draft) |
N/A |
NA |
NA |
Punnett, Reginald Crundall |
Heredity in Poultry |
1923 |
London |
Macmillan and Co., Limited |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Rapport, Samuel & Wright, Helen; Editors |
Anthropology |
1968 |
New York, NY |
Washington Square Press, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Rasmuson, Marianne |
Genetics on the Population Level |
1961 |
Sweden |
Svenska Bokforlaget |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ratner, V.A., Editor |
Studies on Theoretical Genetics |
1972 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Rau, Phil & Rau, Nellies |
Wasp Studies Afield |
1918 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Rees, H., Jones, R.N. |
Chromosome Genetics |
Genetics–Principles and Perspectives 3 |
1977 |
Baltimore, MD |
University Park Press |
0-8391-1195-9 |
NA |
Remsen, Ira |
An Introduction to the Study of the Compounds of Carbon or Organic Chemistry, Fourth Revision |
1907 |
Boston, MA |
D.C. Heath & Co., Publishers |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Rensch, Bernhard |
Evolution Above the Species Level |
1960 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
NA |
Shelf 12 |
Rietz, H.L., Editor |
Handbook of Mathematical Statistics |
1924 |
Cambridge, UK |
The Riverside Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Riley, Herbert Parkes |
Introduction to Genetics and Cytogenetics |
1948 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Ripley, William Z. |
The Races of Europe: A Sociological Study |
1915 |
New York, NY |
D. Appleton & Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Rivers, Thomas M. |
Filterable Viruses |
1928 |
Baltimore, MD |
The Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
NA |
Roe, Anne |
A Psychological Study of Physical Scientists |
1951 |
Provincetown, MA |
The Journal Press |
NA |
NA |
Rohlf, F. James & Sokal, Robert R. |
Statistical Tables |
1969 |
San Francisco, CA |
W.H. Freeman and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Romer, Alfred Sherwood |
Vertebrate Paleontology |
1933 |
Chicago, IL |
University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Romer, Alfred Sherwood |
Vertebrate Paleontology |
1945 |
Chicago, IL |
University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ruark, Arthur Edward & Urey, Harold Clayton |
Atoms, Molecules and Quanta |
1930 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Rudnick, Dorothea, Editor |
Cellular Mechanisms in Differentiation and Growth |
1956 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Russell, Bertrand |
The ABC of Atoms |
1923 |
New York, NY |
E.P. Dutton & Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Russell, Elizabeth Shull |
Proceedings: Symposium on 25 Years of Progress in Mammalian Genetics |
1954 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Sanderson, E. Dwight & Jackson, C.F. |
Elementary Entomology |
1912 |
Boston, MA |
Ginn and Company |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Sansome, F.W. & Philp, J. |
Recent Advances in Plant Genetics |
1939 |
Philadelphia, PA |
P. Blackiston’s, Son & Co. Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Sax, Karl |
Standing Room Only: The World’s Exploding Population |
1955 |
Boston, MA |
Beacon Press |
NA |
NA |
Schull Russell, Elizabeth |
Proceedings: Symposium on 25 Years of Progress in Mammalian Genetics |
1954 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Scheinfeld, Amram |
You and Heredity |
1939 |
New York, NY |
Frederick A. Stokes Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Scheinfeld, Amram |
The Basic Facts of Human Heredity |
1961 |
New York, NY |
Washington Square Press, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Schlesinger, H.I. |
General Chemistry |
1947 |
New York, NY |
Longmans, Green and Co. |
NA |
Robert Wright |
Schmalhausen, II |
[Title in Russian] |
1968 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Schrader, Franz |
Mitosis: The Movement of Chromosomes in Cell Division, Second Edition |
1953 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Schrodinger, Erwin |
What is Life?: The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell |
1951 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
NA |
Schull, William J. |
Genetic Selection in Man |
1963 |
Ann Arbor, MI |
The University of Michigan Press |
NA |
NA |
Schull, William J. & Neel, James V. |
The Effects of Inbreeding on Japanese Children |
1965 |
New York, NY |
Harper & Row, Publishers |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Schultz, Henry |
Statistical Laws of Demand and Supply |
1928 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Scott, John paul & Fuller, John L. |
Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog |
1965 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Scott, John Paul, Editor |
Critical Periods |
Benchmark Papers in Animal Behavior Volume XII |
1978 |
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania |
Dowden, Hutchinson, & Ross, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Scott, William B. |
An Introduction to Geology |
1911 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
NA |
Sharp, Lester W. |
An Introduction to Cytology |
1921 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. |
NA |
Leon Cole |
Sharp, Lester W. |
Introduction to Cytology |
1934 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Sheppard, P.M. |
Natural Selection and Heredity |
1959 |
New York, NY |
Philosophical Library |
NA |
NA |
Sherrington, Sir Charles |
Man on His Nature |
1955 |
Garden City, NY |
Doubleday & Company, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Sherwood, G. E. F. & Taylor, Angus E. |
Calculus, Revised Edition |
1946 |
New York, NY |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Shelf 13 |
Shields, James & Gottesman, Irving I., Editors |
Man, Mind, and Heredity: Selected Papers of Eliot Slater on Psychiatry and Genetics |
1971 |
Baltimore, MD |
The John Hopkins Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shimkin, Michael B., Editor |
Cancer Research |
Cancer Research, Volume 27 |
1967 |
Baltimore, MD |
Cancer Research, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Shull, A. Franklin |
Evolution |
1936 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shull, A. Franklin |
Heredity, Third Edition |
1938 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
NA |
NA |
Simpson, George Gaylord |
The Meaning of Evolution |
1950 |
New Haven,CT |
Yale University Press |
NA |
NA |
Simpson, George Gaylord |
The Major Features of Evolution |
1953 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Simpson, George Gaylord & Roe, Anne |
Quantitative Zoology |
1939 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Singer, Charles |
From Magic to Science |
1958 |
New York, NY |
Dover Publications, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Singleton, Ralph W. |
Elementary Genetics |
1962 |
Princeton, NJ |
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Sinnot, Edmund W. & Dunn, L.C. |
Principles of Genetics |
1939 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Sinnot, Edmund W.; Dunn, L.C.; & Dobzhansky, TH. |
Principles of Genetics, Fourth Edition |
1950 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Smith, Alexander |
Introduction to General Inorganic Chemistry |
1906 |
New York, NY |
The Century Co. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Smith, J. Maynard |
The Evolution of Sex |
1978 |
Cambridge, UK |
Cambridge University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Smith, John Maynard |
The Theory of Evolution |
1975 |
Middlesex, England |
Penguin Books |
NA |
NA |
Smith, Luther |
Cytology and Genetics of Barley |
The Botanical Review, Volume 17 |
1951 |
Lancaster, PA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Smyth, Henry D. |
Atomic Energy for Military Purposes |
1945 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
NA |
Snedecor, George W. |
Calculation and Interpretation of Analysis Variance and Covariance |
1934 |
Ames, IA |
Collegiate Press, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Snyder, Laurence H. |
The Principles of Heredity |
1940 |
Boston, MA |
D.C. Heath and Company |
NA |
NA |
Sober, Herbert A., Editor |
Handbook of Biochemistry; Selected Data for Molecular Biology |
1968 |
Cleveland, OH |
The Chemical Rubber Co. |
NA |
NA |
Sobotta, J. |
Atlas of Descriptive Human Anatomy, Volume I : Region- Skeleton- Ligaments- Joints and Muscles |
1954 |
New York, NY |
Hafner Publishing Company, Inc. |
NA |
John Opitz |
Sobotta, J. |
Atlas of Descriptive Human Anatomy, Volume I : Region- Skeleton- Ligaments- Joints and Muscles |
1954 |
New York, NY |
Hafner Publishing Company, Inc. |
NA |
John Opitz |
Sobotta, J. |
Atlas of Descriptive Human Anatomy, Volume I : Region- Skeleton- Ligaments- Joints and Muscles |
1954 |
New York, NY |
Hafner Publishing Company, Inc. |
NA |
John Opitz |
Sokal, Robert R., Rohlf, F. James |
Biometry: The Principles and Practice of Statistics in Biological Research |
1959 |
San Francisco, CA |
W.H. Freeman and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Sokolnikoff, Ivan S., Sokolnikoff, Elizabeth S. |
Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists |
1941 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Soper, H.E. |
Frequency Arrays |
1922 |
London, England |
Cambridge University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Spemann, Hans |
Embryonic Development and Introduction |
1938 |
New Haven, CT |
Yale University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Spiess, Eliot B., Editor |
Papers on Animal Population Genetics |
1962 |
Boston, MA |
Little, Brown and Company |
NA |
NA |
Spinney, Louis Bevier |
A Text-Book of Physics |
1913 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Company |
NA |
NA |
Spuhler, J.N., Editor |
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, Volume 8 |
1952 |
New York, NY |
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Srb, Adrian M., Owen, Ray D. |
General Genetics |
1952 |
San Francisco, CA |
W.H. Freeman and Company |
NA |
NA |
Stahl, Franklin W. |
The Mechanics of Inheritance |
1964 |
Englewood Cliffs, NJ |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
NA |
Nelson |
Stebbins, G. Ledyard |
Processes of Organic Evolution |
1966 |
Englewood Cliffs, NJ |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Stebbins, G. Ledyard |
Variation and Evolution in Plants |
1950 |
New York, NY |
Columbia University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Steffensen, J. F. |
Some Recent Researches in the Theory of Statistics and Actuarial Science |
1930 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Stern, Curt |
Principles of Human Genetics, Second Edition |
1960 |
San Francisco, CA |
W.H. Freeman and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Shelf 14 |
Stern, Curt & Sherwood, Eva R.; Editors |
The Origin of Genetics |
1966 |
San Francisco, CA |
W.H. Freeman and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Stieglitz, Julius, Editor |
Chemistry in Medicine |
1928 |
New York, NY |
The Chemical Foundation |
NA |
NA |
Stubbe, Hans |
Genmutation, I: Allgemeiner Teil |
1938 |
Berlin |
Verlag von Gebruder Borntraeger |
NA |
NA |
Sturtevant, A. H. |
The North American Species of Drosophila |
1921 |
Washington |
The Carnegie Institution of Washington |
NA |
NA |
Sturtevant, A. H. & Dobzhansky, T. |
Contributions to the Genetics of Certain Chromosome Anomalies in Drosophila Melanogaster |
1931 |
Washington, D.C. |
Carnegie Institution of Washington |
NA |
NA |
Sturtevant, A.H. & Beadle, G.W. |
An Introduction to Genetics |
1939 |
Philadelphia, PA |
W.B. Saunders Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ramanujam, S.; Siddiq E.A.; Chopra, V.L; & Sinha, S.K. |
Science and Agriculture: M.S. Swanimathan and the Movement for Self-Reliance |
2002 |
NA |
NA |
Sweeney, J. Shirley |
The Natural Increase of Mankind |
1926 |
Baltimore, MD |
The WIlliams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
NA |
Tantawy, A.O. |
Population Genetics [Title in Arabic] |
1970 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Tax, Sol, Editor |
The Evolution of Life: Its Origin, History, and Future |
Evolution After Darwin, Volume I |
1960 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Tax, Sol, Editor |
The Evolution of Man: Mind, Culture, and Society |
Evolution After Darwin, Volume II |
1960 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Taylor, Hugh S., Editor |
Volume 50 |
American Scientist |
1962 |
Easton, PA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Taylor, James M., Editor |
Five-Place Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables |
1905 |
Boston, MA |
Ginn & Company |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Teissier, Georges |
Dysharmonies Et Discontinuites |
Exposes de Biometries et de Statistique Biologiques, 95 |
1934 |
Paris |
Hermann & Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Thompson, D’arcy Wentworth |
On Growth and Form |
1942 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Thurstone, L. L. |
Multiple-Facor Analysis: The Development and Expanson of the Vectors of Mind |
1947 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Thurstone, L. L. & Jenkins, Richard L. |
Order of Birth Parent-Age and Intelligence |
1931 |
Chicago, IL |
The University of Chicago Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Tippett, L. H. C. |
The Methods of Statistics: An Introduction Mainly for Workers in the Biological Sciences |
1931 |
London |
Williams & Norgate Ltd |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Todhunter, I. |
A Treatise on the Integral Calculus |
1880 |
London |
Macmillan and Co. |
NA |
Philip Wright |
Todhunter, I. |
A Treatise on the Differential Calculus, Ninth Edition |
1881 |
London |
Macmillan and Co. |
NA |
NA |
Tolman, |
Relativity |
Treloar, Alan E. |
Elements of Statistical Reasoning |
1939 |
New York, NY |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Tyler, John M. |
The New Stone Age in Northern Europe |
1921 |
New York, NY |
Charles Scribner’s Sons |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Volterra, M. Vito & D’Ancona M. Umberto |
Les Association Biologiques au Point de Veu Mathematique |
Exposes de Biometrie et da Statistique Biologique, 243 |
1935 |
Paris |
Hermann et Cie, Editeurs |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Vries, Hugo De |
Plant-Breeding |
1907 |
Chicago, IL |
The Open Court Publishing Co. |
NA |
Leon Cole |
Wagner, Robert P. |
Genes and Proteins |
1975 |
Stroudsburg, PA |
Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Wald, Abraham |
Sequential Analysis |
1947 |
New York, NY |
John WIley & Sons, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Walker, Helen M. |
Studies in the History of Statistical Method |
1929 |
Baltimore, MD |
The Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Wallace, Bruce |
Genetic Load: Its Biological and Conceptual Aspects |
1970 |
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Wallace, H.A. & Snedecor, George W. |
Correlation and Machine Calculation |
1925 |
Ames, IO |
Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts |
NA |
NA |
Wallace, H.A. Snedecor, George W. |
Correlation and Machine Calculation |
1931 |
Ames, IA |
Iowa State College |
NA |
NA |
Walter, Herbert Eugene |
Genetics: An Introduction to the Study of Heredity |
1915 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
Louise Williams |
Walter, Herbert Eugene |
Genetics: An Introduction to the Study of Heredity |
1938 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
NA |
Watson, James D. |
Molecular Biology of the Gene |
1965 |
New York, NY |
W. A. Benjamin, Inc |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Watson, James D. |
The Double Helix |
1968 |
New York, NY |
Antheneum Books |
NA |
NA |
Went, F.W. & Thimann, Kenneth V. |
Phytohormones |
1937 |
New York, NY |
The Macmillan Company |
NA |
NA |
West, Carl J. |
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics |
1918 |
Columbus |
R.G. Adams and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Weyl, Hermann |
Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science |
1949 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. (ed) |
Studies in Genetics: III. Morgan Centennial Issue |
1966 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in the Genetics of Drosophila |
IX. Articles on Genetics, Taxonomy, Cytology and Radiation |
1957 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Biological Contributions |
1959 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in Genetics |
I. A Cytophotometric analysis of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) content in germ cells from Santa Gertrudis Bulls |
1960 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in Genetics |
II. Research Reports on Drosophila Genetics, Taxonomy and Evolution |
1962 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in Genetics |
III. Morgan Centennial Issue |
1966 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in Genetics |
IV. Research Reports |
1968 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in Genetics |
V |
1969 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in Genetics |
VI- Supplement |
1971 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in Genetics |
VI |
1971 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in Genetics |
1972 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R. Editor |
Studies in Genetics |
1972 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Publication |
NA |
NA |
Shelf 15 |
Wheeler, William Morton |
Social Life Among the Insects |
1923 |
New York, NY |
Harcourt, Brace and Company |
NA |
NA |
Wheldale, Muriel |
The Anthocyanin Pigments of Plants |
1916 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Whetham, W. C. D. & Wetham, C.D. |
An Introduction to Eugenics |
1912 |
Cambridge, UK |
Bowes and Bowes |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
White, M. J. D. |
Animal Cytology & Evolution |
1945 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
White, M. J. D. |
Animal Cytology & Evolution |
1954 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
NA |
White, M.J.D. |
Animal Cytology and Evolution |
1945 |
Great Britain |
Cambridge University Press |
NA |
Whittaker, E.T. & G. Robinson |
The Calculus of Observations, Second Edition |
1929 |
London |
Blackie & Sons Limited |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Whyte, L. L. |
Critique of Physics |
1931 |
New York, NY |
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc |
NA |
NA |
Wilks, Rev. W., Editor |
Report of the Third International Converence on Genetics |
1906 |
London |
Spottiswoode & Co. LTD. |
NA |
NA |
Wilks, S.S. |
Mathematical Statistics |
1943 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Williams, George C. |
Adaptation and Natural Selection |
1966 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Williams, George C. |
Sex and Evolution |
1975 |
Princeton, NJ |
Princeton University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Willis, J.C. |
The Course of Evolution |
1940 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Wills, A.P. |
Vector Analysis with an introduction to Tensor Analysis |
1931 |
New York, NY |
Prentice-Hall, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Winge, Ojvind |
Inheritance in Dogs with Special Reference to Hunting Breeds |
1950 |
Ithaca, NY |
Comstock Publishing Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Witkop, Carl J. Jr. |
Genetics and Dental Health |
1961 |
New York, NY |
McGraw-HillBook Company, Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Wolfenden, Hugh H. |
The Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Statistics |
1942 |
Toronto, Canada |
The MacMillan Company of Canada Limited |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Wolfle, Dael, Editor |
Symposium on Basic Research |
1959 |
Washington, D.C. |
American Association for the Advancement of Science |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Woodger, J.H. |
The Axiomatic Method in Biology |
1937 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Woods,Henry |
Paleontology Invertebrate, Seventh Edition |
1937 |
Cambridge, UK |
The University Press |
NA |
NA |
Wright, Sewall |
Genetic and Biometric Foundations |
Evolution and the Genetics of Populations, Volume I |
1968 |
Chicago, IL |
University of Chicago Press |
NA |
NA |
Wright, Sewall |
The Theory of Gene Frequencies |
Evolution and the Genetics of Populations, Volume II |
1969 |
Chicago, IL |
University of Chicago Press |
NA |
NA |
Wright, Sewall |
Experimental Results and Evolutionary Deduction |
Evolution and the Genetics of Populations, Volume III |
1977 |
Chicago, IL |
University of Chicago Press |
NA |
NA |
Wright, Sewall |
Variability Within and Among Natural Populations |
Evolution and the Genetics of Populations, Volume IV |
1978 |
Chicago, IL |
University of Chicago Press |
NA |
NA |
Yoakum, Clarence S. & Yerkes, Robert M. |
Army Mental Tests |
1920 |
New York, NY |
Henry Holt and Company |
NA |
NA |
Yule, G. Udny & Kendall, M.G. |
An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics |
1937 |
London |
Charles Griffin & Company, Limited |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Zinsser, Hans |
Rats, Lice, and History |
1935 |
Boston, MA |
Little, Brown, and Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Ziwet, Alexander |
An Elementary Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics |
1911 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Zubay, Geoffrey |
Biochemistry: Student’s Solution Guide |
1994 |
Dubuque, IA |
Wm. C. Brown Publishers |
NA |
NA |
Shelf XXIII: |
Hostetler, Harvey |
Descendants of Barbara Hochstedler and Christian Stutzman |
1965 |
Berlin, OH |
Gospel Book Store |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Hochstetler, Mrs. Elmer L. |
Andrew Hochstetler and Elizabeth Lehman |
1964 |
Nappanee, IN |
Nappanee Advance-News |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Hershberger, Reuben (family) |
John J. Borkholder and Anna Schmucher |
1960 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Borntrengers, Daniel M., Anna, Lovina |
Family Record of Aaron T. Yoder and His Descendants |
1957 |
Hazleton, IA |
Unknown |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Herschberger, Ben M. (family); Knepp, John C. (family) |
Descendants of Eli E. Bontrager and Lovina Miller |
1976 |
Berne, IN |
Economy Printing Concern, Inc. |
NA |
Colette Wiffler |
Hochstedler, Katie |
Family Record of Daniel J. Borntrager and the Descendants |
1972 |
Gordonville, PA |
Print Shop |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Hostetler, Harvey |
Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler |
1912 |
Elgin, IL |
Brethren Publishing House |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Egeland, Janice A. Editor |
Descendants of Christian Fisher and Other Amish-Mennonite Pioneer Families |
1972 |
Baltimore, MD |
Moore Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Gingerich, Ervin |
Ohio Amish Directory |
Geauga County and Vicinity |
1973 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Schwartz, Menno D. |
Indiana Amish Directory |
Adams County and Vicinity |
1968 |
Geneva, IN |
Unknown |
NA |
NA |
Cross, Harold E., Gingerich, Eli E. |
Indiana Amish Directory |
Elkhart and Lagrange Counties |
1970 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Cross, Harold E., Hostetler, Beulah |
Index to Selected Amish Genealogies |
1970 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Miller, Henry J. |
Michigan Amish Directory |
St. Joseph, Branch, and Oscoda Counties |
1975 |
Centreville, MI |
Unknown |
NA |
NA |
Gingerich, Ervin |
Ohio Amish Directory |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
1973 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Cross, Harold E. |
Ohio Amish Genealogy |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
Unknown |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
NA |
Unknown |
Pennsylvania Amish Directory |
Lancaster and Chester County Districts |
1973 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Cross, Harold E. |
Ohio Amish Directory |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
1965 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Cross, Harold E. |
Ohio Amish Genealogy |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
Unknown |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Gingerich, Ervin |
Ohio Amish Directory |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
1965 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
NA |
Symposium on Protein-Nucleic Acid Interaction |
1969 |
Philadelphia, PA |
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology |
NA |
NA |
Symposium on Protein-Nucleic Acid Interaction |
1969 |
Philadelphia, PA |
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Symposium on Mammalian Genetics and Reproduction |
1960 |
Philadelphia, PA |
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology |
NA |
NA |
Symposium on Molecular Action of Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Agents |
1964 |
Philadelphia, PA |
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Symposium on Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids |
1950 |
Philadelphia, PA |
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology |
Twelfth International Congress of Genetics |
1968 |
Tokyo |
Science Council of Japan |
NA |
NA |
The Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation: Summary Reports |
1956 |
Washington, D.C. |
National Academy of Sciences: National Research Council |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
The Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation: Summary Reports 1960 |
1960 |
Washington, D.C. |
National Academy of Sciences: National Research Council |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
National Academy of Sciences Pamphlet |
A Handbook of Laboratory |
1954 |
Washington, D.C. |
National Academy of Sciences: National Research Council |
NA |
NA |
Hearing before the Special Subcommittee on Radiation of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy |
1957 |
Washington, D.C. |
Government Printing Office |
NA |
NA |
The Annals of Mathematical Statistics |
The American Statistical Association, Vol. 2, No. 2 |
1931 |
New York, NY |
American Statistical Association |
NA |
NA |
Miner, Roy Waldo; Editor |
Animal Colony Maintenance |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume XLVI |
1945 |
New York, NY |
New York Academy of Sciences |
NA |
NA |
Miner, Roy Waldo; Editor |
Parental Age and Characteristics of the Offspring |
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 57 |
1954 |
New York, NY |
New York Academy of Sciences |
NA |
NA |
SHELF 16 |
Collection |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society: Natural Selection and Adaptation |
Volume 93, No. 6 |
1949 |
Philadelphia, PA |
The American Philosophical Society |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society: Commemorations of the Centennial Publications of The Origins of Species |
Volume 103, No. 2 |
1959 |
Philadelphia, PA |
The American Philosophical Society |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Biometrics Problems in the Prediction and Estimation of the Growth of Plants in Tropical and Subtropical Regions |
International Union of Biological Sciences, Series B, No. 12 |
1951 |
Calcutta |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Symposium on Genetic Recombination |
1954 |
Philadelphia, PA |
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
The XIII International Congress of Genetics |
1973 |
California |
International Genetics Foundation |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Eight International Congress of Genetics: Contemporary Genetics in Sweden |
1948 |
Stockholm |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Program and Abstracts: The American Society of Human Genetics |
27th Annual Meeting |
1975 |
Baltimore, MD |
American Society of Human Genetics |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Records: 1975-1976 |
1976 |
Cambridge, MA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Conference on “Gene Action in Micro-organisms” |
Volume XXXII, No. 2 |
1945 |
Galesburg, IL |
The Board of Trustees of the Missouri Botanical Garden |
NA |
NA |
List of Workers in Subjects Pertaining to Agriculture, Part 1: Department of Agriculture |
1922 |
Washington, D.C. |
Government Printing Office |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Mutation Research in Plants |
Acta Agriculture Scandinavica, Vol. IV No. 3 |
1954 |
Stockholm |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall, Editor |
Articles on Genetics, Taxonomy, Cytology, and Radiation |
Studies in the Genetics of Drosophila, IX |
1957 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
L’Heritier, Ph. |
Genetique et Evolution: Analyse de quelques etude mathematiques sure la selection naturelle |
Exposes de Biometrie et de Statistique Biologique, 158 |
1934 |
Paris |
Hermann & Cie |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
L’Heritier, Ph. |
Genetique et Evolution: Analyse de quelques etude mathematiques sure la selection naturelle |
Exposes de Biometrie et de Statistique Biologique, 158 |
1934 |
Paris |
Hermann & Cie |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kostitzin, V.A. |
Symbiose, Parasitisme et Evolution |
Exposes de Biometrie et de Statistique Biologique, 96 |
1934 |
Paris |
Hermann & Cie |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Kostitzin, V.A. |
Evolution de l’Atmosphere: Circulation Organique Epoque Glaciaires |
Exposes de Biometrie et de Statistique Biologique, 271 |
1935 |
Paris |
Hermann & Cie |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Jellinek, E.M. |
Biometric Bulletin |
Biometric Bulletin Volume 1, No. 4 |
1938 |
Worcester, MA |
Biometric Laboratory of the Memorial Foundation for Neuro-Endocrine Research and the Research Service of the Worcester State Hospital |
NA |
NA |
Hrdlicka, Ales |
Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences |
Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII |
1940 |
Washington, D.C. |
Government Printing Office |
NA |
NA |
Carnivore Genetics Newsletter |
Carnivore Genetics Newsletter, No. 5 |
1968 |
Newtonville, MA |
Carnivore Genetics Research Center |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Mutation Research in Plants |
Brookhaven Symposia in Biology No. 8 |
1955 |
Upton, NY |
Brookhaven National Laboratory |
NA |
NA |
Proceedings of the X International Congress of Genetics Program |
1958 |
Montreal, Canada |
McGill University |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Proceedings of the X International Congress of Genetics Volume I |
1958 |
Montreal, Canada |
McGill University |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Proceedings of the X International Congress of Genetics Volume II |
1958 |
Montreal, Canada |
McGill University |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Proceedings of the X International Congress of Genetics Volume II |
1958 |
Montreal, Canada |
McGill University |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
United States Department of Agriculture Yearbook of Agriculture, 1936 |
1936 |
Washington, D.C. |
Government Printing Office |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
United States Department of Agriculture Yearbook of Agriculture, 1937 |
1937 |
Washington, D.C. |
Government Printing Office |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume I |
Advances in Genetics |
1947 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume II |
Advances in Genetics |
1948 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume III |
Advances in Genetics |
1950 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume IV |
Advances in Genetics |
1951 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume V |
Advances in Genetics |
1953 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume VI |
Advances in Genetics |
1954 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume I |
Advances in Genetics |
1947 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume II |
Advances in Genetics |
1948 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume III |
Advances in Genetics |
1950 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume IV |
Advances in Genetics |
1951 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume V |
Advances in Genetics |
1953 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume VI |
Advances in Genetics |
1954 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume VII |
Advances in Genetics |
1955 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume VIII |
Advances in Genetics |
1956 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume IX |
Advances in Genetics |
1958 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume X |
Advances in Genetics |
1961 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume XI |
Advances in Genetics |
1962 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Demerec, M., Editor |
Advances in Genetics Volume XIII |
Advances in Genetics |
1965 |
New York, NY |
Academic Press Inc. |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
A Cytophotometric Analysis of the Deoxyribonucleid acid (DNA) Content in Germ Cells from Santa Gertrudis Bulls |
Studies in Genetics, Volume I |
1960 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
Research Reports on Drosophila Genetics, Taxonomy, and Evolution |
Studies in Genetics, Volume II |
1962 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
Morgan Centennial Issue |
Studies In Genetics, Volume III |
1966 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
Research Reports |
Studies in Genetics, Volume IV |
1968 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
Studies in Genetics Volume V |
Studies in Genetics |
1969 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
Studies in Genetics VI |
Studies in Genetics |
1971 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
Studies in Genetics VI |
Studies in Genetics |
1971 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
Studies in Genetics VII |
Studies in Genetics |
1972 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
Studies in Genetics VII |
Studies in Genetics |
1972 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
Wheeler, Marshall R., Editor |
Biological Contributions: A collection of Essays and Research Articles Dedicated to John Thomas Patterson |
1959 |
Austin, TX |
The University of Texas Press |
NA |
NA |
SHELF 17 |
The Eugenics Review, Volume 29 |
1938 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Co. |
NA |
NA |
The Eugenics Review, Volume 30 |
1939 |
New York, NY |
The MacMillan Co. |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume II |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume IX |
1934 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genes and Chromosomes, STructure and Organization |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology |
1941 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
The Relation of Hormones to Deveopment |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume X |
1942 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Heredity and Variation in Microorganisms |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XI |
1946 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Nucleic Acids and Nucleoproteins |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XII |
1947 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Biological Application of Tracer Elements |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XIII |
1948 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Amino Acids and Protiens |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XIV |
1950 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Origin and Evolution of Man |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XV |
1950 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genes and Mutations |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume, XVI |
1951 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Viruses |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XVII |
1953 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Population Genetics: The Nature and Causes of Genetic Variability in Population |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XX |
1955 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genetic Mechanisms: Structure and Function |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XXI |
1956 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genetic Mechanisms: Structure and Function |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XXI |
1956 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Population Studies: Animal Ecology and Demography |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XXII |
1957 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Exchange of Genetic Material: Mechanisms and Consequences |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XXIII |
1958 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Genetics and Twentieth Century Darwinism |
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XXIV |
1959 |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
The Biological Laboratory |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Guerin, Jules |
Ouvres |
1880 |
Paris |
Au Bureau de la Publication |
NA |
Leon Cole |
Collection |
Eugenics, Genetics and the Family, Volume I |
Scientific Papers of the Second International Congress of Eugenics |
1923 |
Baltimore, MD |
Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Eugenics, Genetics and the Family, Volume II |
Scientific Papers of the Second International Congress of Eugenics |
1923 |
Baltimore, MD |
Williams & Wilkins Company |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
In Russian |
In Russian |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
The Mendel Journal |
1909 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Leon Cole |
Collection |
The Scientific Endeavor |
NA |
NA |
The Rockefeller Institute Press |
NA |
NA |
Robinson, H.R., Editor |
Papers on Quantitative Genetics and related topics |
1963 |
Raleigh, NC |
Department of Genetics, North Carolina State College |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
The Effects of Atomic Radiation on Oceanography and Fisheries |
1957 |
Washington, D.C. |
National Academy of Sciences– National Research Council |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Collected Papers on Eugenic Sterilization in California |
1930 |
Pasadena, CA |
The Human Betterment Foundation |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Johnson, M.L & Abercrombie,Michael, Editors |
New Biology 7 |
New Biology |
1949 |
Harmondsworth, Middlesex |
Penguin Books |
NA |
NA |
Johnson, M.L, Abercrombie, Michael, & Fogg, G.E., Editors |
New Biology 20 |
New Biology |
1956 |
Harmondsworth, Middlesex |
Penguin Books |
NA |
NA |
In Russian |
In Russian |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
Evolution and Anthropology: A Centennial Appraisal |
1959 |
Washington, D.C. |
The Anthropological Society of Washington |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Techniques and Procedures in Animal Production Research |
NA |
NA |
The American Society of Animal Production |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
Collection |
Effect of Radiation on Human Heredity: Report of a Study Groups convened by WHO |
1957 |
Geneva |
World Health Organiation |
NA |
NA |
Collection |
The Trend of Scottish Intelligence |
1949 |
Warwick Square, London |
University of London Press Ltd. |
NA |
Sewall Wright |
SHELF 18 |
Hostetler, Harvey |
Descendants of Barbara Hochstedler and Christian Stutzman |
1965 |
Berlin, OH |
Gospel Book Store |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Hochstetler, Mrs. Elmer L. |
Andrew Hochstetler and Elizabeth Lehman |
1964 |
Nappanee, IN |
Nappanee Advance-News |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Hershberger, Reuben (family) |
John J. Borkholder and Anna Schmucher |
1960 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Borntrengers, Daniel M., Anna, Lovina |
Family Record of Aaron T. Yoder and His Descendants |
1957 |
Hazleton, IA |
Unknown |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Herschberger, Ben M. (family); Knepp, John C. (family) |
Descendants of Eli E. Bontrager and Lovina Miller |
1976 |
Berne, IN |
Economy Printing Concern, Inc. |
NA |
Colette Wiffler |
Hochstedler, Katie |
Family Record of Daniel J. Borntrager and the Descendants |
1972 |
Gordonville, PA |
Print Shop |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Hostetler, Harvey |
Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler |
1912 |
Elgin, IL |
Brethren Publishing House |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Egeland, Janice A. Editor |
Descendants of Christian Fisher and Other Amish-Mennonite Pioneer Families |
1972 |
Baltimore, MD |
Moore Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Gingerich, Ervin |
Ohio Amish Directory |
Geauga County and Vicinity |
1973 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Schwartz, Menno D. |
Indiana Amish Directory |
Adams County and Vicinity |
1968 |
Geneva, IN |
Unknown |
NA |
NA |
Cross, Harold E., Gingerich, Eli E. |
Indiana Amish Directory |
Elkhart and Lagrange Counties |
1970 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Cross, Harold E., Hostetler, Beulah |
Index to Selected Amish Genealogies |
1970 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Miller, Henry J. |
Michigan Amish Directory |
St. Joseph, Branch, and Oscoda Counties |
1975 |
Centreville, MI |
Unknown |
NA |
NA |
Gingerich, Ervin |
Ohio Amish Directory |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
1973 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Cross, Harold E. |
Ohio Amish Genealogy |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
Unknown |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
NA |
Unknown |
Pennsylvania Amish Directory |
Lancaster and Chester County Districts |
1973 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Cross, Harold E. |
Ohio Amish Directory |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
1965 |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Cross, Harold E. |
Ohio Amish Genealogy |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
Unknown |
Baltimore, MD |
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
NA |
John M. Opitz |
Gingerich, Ervin |
Ohio Amish Directory |
Holmes County and Vicinity |
1965 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
NA |
NA |